Chapter 241

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Despite this little mishap, there was no doubt that An Yinong and Octopus Boy were first out of the lineup.

An Yinong asked if he could retire first, and the match judges were surprised that he had such a request but dismissed it according to the rules, "Please stay until the results of the match are out, and retire together."

"Alright, as long as you guys don't have a problem with it."


The referee team quickly learned what it meant by 'as long as you guys have no problem with it.' Those animal contestants were just like cats on catnip, pouncing one after the other towards the floating board where An Yinong was located. One 'treasure' after another was thrown up by them to get the beauty's attention. They threw up one 'treasure' after another to win the beauty's attention.

The owners, who were ignored the entire time: ...... raised them for nothing.

The referee team is also a face of 'long experience' expression. They have thought of many emergencies but never thought of this kind of - this person is not the reincarnation of the sea king. How is a sea creature to pounce on him? Some animal contestants who came slowly and were squeezed to the periphery cried in aggravation.

"What now? There can't be only one person advancing."

"Having another match is inappropriate; the time and venue can't be arranged."

Several judges got together for a brief meeting, and finally, they announced a new rule for this situation: it was still based on the time when the animal contestants found the treasure, no matter if that treasure was for their keeper or not, in any case, if they found it and gave it away, it counted.

So the seven winners of this group of competition came out. In addition to An Yinong's little octopus boy, there is the first small dolphin to offer, and then to the dark horse of the muscular appearance of the giant lobster and other small animals sent early.

The referee team congratulated the seven for coming out of the line, but six did not have a happy expression. They were holding the fish tank containing their heartless little friends, and they hated being far away from this evil guy, An Yinong.

Good guy, just after one match, the animal buddies are centrifuged, two more contacts, they will not be able to escape home with a roll of baggage?

Therefore, as soon as the referee said they could leave the field, these people flew like a fly, refusing to stay for a second. An Yinong was left with a shrug, holding the small fish tank and walking away.

"Octopus Boy is awesome. What would you like to eat later? There's everything here. Your favorite fried beef is filling ......"

He was gone, leaving the aftermath unsettled. Not only were the contestants and the referee team at the scene talking, but those who had watched the livestream were also so surprised that their eyebrows fell off.

"Who is he? Could it be the Meiwa of animals? Why are all those animals scrambling to jump on him?"

"Is it true that he didn't use any special supernatural abilities or potions?"

It was impossible to use special skills or potions. To prevent the breeders from messing around or having other forces involved, each arena was guarded by unique mutants who could recognize the traces of skill use and find out who was using the forbidden potions.

This became the hot news of the day on the internet, and netizens were very curious about this An Yinong person. Everyone was checking him out, so someone found a little trace.

Chu Yang, a Chinese, high-level mutant, is also very grounded to open a pet grooming store for mutant pets, charges extremely low, about the same as doing charity.

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