9 Accusations Fly

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When all of the guests had gathered back into the foyer, Giles clasped his hands together and began his speech. "Dear guests, you have all done well in investigating this murder but now you must choose to share that knowledge. However, be careful, the killer is among you and is watching."

There was a silence. Suddenly broken by Ruben who whirled around to Grant. "Here's what I want to know. You found her just sitting there on the chair and you pushed her forward, and suddenly she's dead. Doesn't add up buddy!" He stepped closer to Grant who flared at him. "I found her like that and it was not a very happy find. I didn't kill her!" Regina stepped between them. "This is what the killer wants can't you see?"

"That's easy for you to say since you have the giant ring on your finger." The accusation was directed at Regina and Lizzie was proud of it. "For all we know, you bought this mansion and trapped us in your little game!" Bailey stepped forward to defend her. "That's over the line Lizzie! Any one could be the killer." He looked around and so did everyone else. Slowly, people began to break away in small groups.

Natalie motioned Tripp and Montana to join her. Bailey and Regina spoke to Andrew. Grant and Caleb were chatting with Lizzie and Vivian about what they'd found. This lasted for a solid thirty minutes with people choosing to share things and some holding them back.

Finally, Giles returned. "You may all wash up for the night, but be back here in an hour for the first challenge and riddle." He turned on his heels and exited. This was all feeling like clockwork now. Giles was dreading the night when two or three guests would be sentenced to possible death.

Whodunnit? Murder On Mystery CoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora