38 (Epilogue) No More

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Giles waved as the ambulance pulled out of the driveway. "Goodbye and good riddance." He said, turning back around to his maid, who was now dressed in a blue overcoat and dark jeans. She stepped up to him and handed him her resignation. "Thank you, for helping me, but don't let this happen again." She looked him in the eye and lowered her voice. "And don't let that fucking bloody psychopath escape prison." Giles nodded.

He watched as she walked to a cab and he even watched as it began to make its way down the mountain. Giles had longed to leave this place from the moment he saw his boss drive away, but he had remained and kept to his duties. Unfortunately, yet another killer had found him. This time, the killer was two; Natalie Fields and Grant Kisanti were wicked siblings.

Before Vivian had killed herself, she had stabbed Natalie in the side, but she knew what she was doing, because Natalie did not die. She awoke with a choking sound and screamed. "That bitch!" Giles and Lana had rushed forward and held her tightly until the police indeed arrived. Lana had called them the second she had the chance.

As the police lifted Natalie from the ground, she spat at Giles. "Should've killed you the moment I met you, could've saved myself the misery of prison." Sputtering as she said this, Natalie hadn't noticed the ambulance and the emergency responders. They dragged her into an ambulance and the last Giles saw was the woman pressing her bloodied hand on the window.

Giles turned away and peered down at all the body bags. There were eleven in total. He decided they would not die in vain. Giles was not going to let their memory fade. He turned to Lana. "We must create a shrine for each of them." She nodded her approval as they stood in silence. Giles closed his eyes and sighed. It had happened again. "No more." He whispered to himself. "No more."

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