37 Whodunnit

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Caleb sighed in relief. He'd never been one to be disturbed by death but this had been quite the experience and he was constantly on edge. "Let's get out of here." He helped Vivian up and the three walked out of the shed towards the docks. "There's bound to be a boat down there, we have to reach it before the killer."

The group of three reached the docks. It was quiet, the fog blinding them from seeing much of anything. Natalie took out a match and lit it, holding it up to help herself to  see. "It's too quiet." She said. Vivian gulped. "That's what I'm afraid of, hurry!" They all ran to a nearby boat. Caleb started to crank the engine when he made the discovery.

Regina was lying on the side of the boat, except it wasn't Regina, it was Lizzie. Regina lay just a few feet from her. "Holy fuck!" Caleb screamed. "Grant is the fucking killer!" Vivian and Natalie backed into Caleb, both using him as protection. "Where is he?" Natalie whispered. There was of course no answer, well no answer by word of mouth. The answer was a gunshot ringing out.

Caleb toppled to the floor. Vivian and Natalie shrieked. Suddenly, Grant ran out of the fog. "Hello Vivian. Hello Natalie." He was holding a gun and his face was bloody. "Damn, you look like shit." He pointed the gun at Natalie. "I feel like shit." She replied. Vivian stared between the two of them. "Oh fuck, give me a second." Vivian could only watch in horror as Natalie knelt down and stabbed Caleb in the gut. "There, now he's dead."

Grant smirked, walking over to Natalie, he hugged her. "It's good to be back sister." His Indian accent was gone and in its place was an American accent. Vivian gasped. "You two are....siblings?" She almost fell backward in shock. Natalie turned to her and glared. "Ugh you fucking bitch, no, he's my stepbrother, but still." She looked over at Grant and he once again smirked.

Vivian could only stare at them. Siblings. Natalie and Grant were the killers. Now that she thought about it, they did act very similar and had never interacted much. She couldn't believe it. Natalie rolled her eyes. Vivian decided to stand her ground. After all, hadn't she won?

"So, this means I won. So, you." Vivian pointed at Grant. "And you." And then at Natalie. "Are the killers, so tell me why the fuck you did all of this." She gestured around her at all the bodies. Grant grinned. "Well why ever not? We were best friends who wanted to have a little fun!" He laughed then, and the laugh didn't quite reach his eyes which was disturbing.

Natalie smacked the back of his head. "She means why did we choose to kill this group of people." She said. "Well Vivian Barrons, it's simple. You have what we want. A real family." She began to pace around the boat, grasping the knife tightly. "When Grant and I were just five, we were torn apart but were again adopted but this time by a really bad family."

She paused to step over Regina's body. "This family would never let us see each other." Grant stepped up and continued her story. "And they had two children who treated us as if we weren't apart of the real family." He looked over at Natalie. "And she ended up burning one of them alive for it. Their screams satisfied us." He smirked and pointed his gun at Lizzie. "God that bitch was insufferable, I almost burned her alive but Andrew was such a moron we had to get rid of him."

Vivian processed all of this. She'd never truly liked Natalie and had suspected her but never had she considered Grant would not only kill his current girlfriend but turn out to be a psychotic killer. Vivian began to plan an escape in her head. Grant and Natalie continued to illustrate their lives.

Natalie stepped towards Vivian. "Now what to do with you?" She took a step towards the woman, but in that moment, turned and....Natalie Fields stabbed Grant Kisanti in the heart. He stared at her in shock, stunned into silence and bleeding as he crumbled to the ground. Natalie now stood alone, blood all over her hands. "I did promise to only keep one alive."

Vivian could only stare. This woman who had poured her heart into Caleb's or at least it had looked that way. This woman and her brother had invited all them to this island, just to be slaughtered and maimed. She had to think of an escape, what would happen now?

"I do get to live then?" She skeptically asked, glaring daggers at Natalie who had lowered the knife. "Yes of course." A sadistic smile spread across her face. She held out the knife. "Kill me." She said, blowing a curl out of her eye. "Do it quickly."

A second passed as Vivian drew in a breath. "You have to first tell me how to get out off this island, safely and I don't need that knife. I prefer to make you suffer in the worst way possible. You're psychopath you know that right?" Natalie smirked and Vivian knew she didn't care. "Also, why kill everyone you can just to end up killing yourself?"

Natalie considered this for a moment. "Well, Grant and I, we hate anyone with money and you, dear Vivian, you have money." She gestured to the necklace the older woman was wearing. "And when I die, you will remain here on this island, surrounded by even more money, but you'll be alone." She took a step closer to Vivian. "There is no way off this mountain, I have made sure of that." She hissed. "You will never leave and you will always be reminded of these lost souls."

A scream suddenly broke into the air. Lana had discovered the bodies and was just in reach of the two women on deck. As she came into view, they glimpsed her holding a knife to her chest. Beside her, Giles was brandishing another knife. "Well well, an idiot could have told me it was you." He slowly walked onto the boat. "Natalie Fields."

He had known it was Natalie from the moment he had met her. She was too bossy, too in love with Caleb, too independent. Only a killer would put on that much of a front. No one fell in love that quickly. Giles held up the knife. I have gotten word to the police. You will be arrested."

Natalie grimaced. "I wouldn't look good in handcuffs would I Vivian?" She glared daggers into the woman's face, willing her to take the knife and end all of this. Vivian almost did just that, but then she thought of Caleb, of Bailey, Lizzie, Regina, sweet Tripp, Montana, Ruben, and even poor Amelia.

They would not suffer in vain. With not a second to waste, Vivian rushed forward and stabbed Natalie first and then herself in the chest. Lana screamed, and then with one last look at Giles, Vivian let herself topple off the boat and into the water. After that, there was only silence.

Whodunnit? Murder On Mystery CoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ