26 Holy Night

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It was an exquisite dinner, roasted duck, asparagus drizzled with lemon aioli, the finest risotto and a splash of Chardonnay. The guests wasted no time eating everything in sight. Giles watched this with amusement. It might have been the most amusing thing he'd seen since they had arrived. Though he didn't think it was necessarily amusing but just altogether unique. It's not every day you see grown adults eating like swine.

After all the food had vanished, Giles and Lana began passing out folded napkins. "Before you open your napkin and reveal your fates, the killer would like to congratulate Natalie! You have solved the crime!" He exclaimed as the business woman stood up and smiled. Natalie adored the attention, he knew that much. With that, she began to reveal the horror of how Montana Faukes had suffered death.

"The night before she died, Montana had a sort of cold, and always had a box of tissues handy. This particular night the killer snuck in and doused her tissues with blood thinner making certain she would bleed a lot more than usual. Once she sat down with all of us to drink her water, she had no realization that it was actually bleach. This made her begin to choke but it didn't kill her. No, what killed her was the panel under her seat that when pushed, shot out a rope and strung around her neck, breaking her neck and killing her instantly. She sailed through the air and landed in the roses, but under the roses was a full set of giant shark teeth and they impaled her. This is how Montana Faukes, met her death."

She finished and sat down quietly. Natalie may have won and received her moment but a woman had still been murdered and it was a serious matter. Regina rolled her eyes despite herself. Giles broke the silence with a tap of his glass. "Dear guests, it is time."

The first to open their napkin was Grant. He was spared and grateful for it. Next was Caleb, he was spared. Vivian was also spared. Regina was spared. Andrew trembled as he opened his napkin and glimpsed scared. Lizzie was spared. Bailey took out his card and realized he was scared. "Jesus Christ." All eyes fell on Tripp. "Spared." He sighed in relief.

Bailey picked up his glass of Chardonnay and walked out of the room, Regina followed him. Andrew looked down at his plate and Lizzie came to comfort him. "We leave tonight." He whispered to her. She nodded. They would all live this nightmare, she thought. He bent his head to pray and asked if Lizzie would join and then motioned to Grant. They all bowed their heads. In the far corner of the room, Vivian scoffed. She'd never believed in God, always saw it as a waste of time. This plan would only work if luck or the universe was on their side.

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