Chapter Four

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When it was almost time to leave and ride back to King's Landing, she saw Jon talking with Robb Stark seemingly saying goodbye.

"Jon?" Zephyr called out which immediately made the two men stop midway in their conversation. Jon's eyes widened slightly as he noticed her walking closer to him as her family and his own watched.

"My lady, you really shouldn't-" Jon started to panic, afraid for his life if the King saw this.

"You don't tell the princess what she should and shouldn't do, Jon Snow." Zephyr said a small smile growing on her face. "You're headed to the Wall. Tyrion told me."

"Is he going there as well?" Jon asked with a sigh. He didn't exactly like the small man.

"He said the wall is the greatest structure built by men intrepid. Wants to piss off the edge of the world he said." Zephyr stated recollecting the conversation of today's breakfast.

Both Robb and Jon didn't expect the Princess to be so direct and quite literally say how it is. But she was also resembling her father with those qualities.

Zephyr then sighed. "I really was hoping to see you soon again, Jon."

Jon noticed the slight sad look in her eyes which may have seemed cold to others if they hadn't interacted with her yet. "You will. I'll come visit."

Zeph chuckled and shook her head, turning to leave until her name was called by Jon.

"Zephyr?" Jon said, which made the Princess turn around once more.

"Yes?" She smiled as he finally used her name instead of my lady.

"I promise." Jon stated with confidence as if there wasn't a shadow of doubt that they'd meet again.

"And I shall wait." Zephyr promised before she walked away and was off in the carriage, going home to King's Landing.

After hours of riding, they set up camp in the evening so they can continue their journey in the morning. Zephyr was off collecting flowers with Myrcella as she flooded the girl with questions.

"Who was that man you were talking with before we left? Was he a lover? Or a Knight?-" Myrcella asked but was cut off by her older sister.

"No. No. And No. I consider him to be a friend. Besides I only met him while we were in Winterfell. Besides he's taking the Black. So strictly speaking we never could have been any more than friends." Zephyr answered her little sister, not being able to take Jon off of her mind herself. He was kind and brave and he had the kind of determination people would call you stupid for having.

"What do you say, just you and me on the Kingsroad, swords at our sides, a couple of tavern wenches to keep our beds warm tonight." The King told Ned Stark as he took a bite of his food.

Zephyr turned to Myrcella "Don't tell anyone of Jon Snow, okay? Father will have both mine and his heads, and Mother would set me up for failure."

"I promise I won't say anything. I swear." Myrcella said earnestly as he held out her pinky finger making Zephyr link it with her own. It was a thing she had with her younger siblings. As long as they pinky promised, that secret had no way of getting out.

"Good." Zephyr smiled down at her and stroked her blonde hair softly, "Now go find Mother, she must be looking for you." As Myrcella nodded and left her older sister to find her mother, Zephyr went on her own way towards her father and Ned Stark as the conversation turned to be about the Targaryen girl.

"Daenerys Targaryen has wed some Dothraki horselord, what of it? Do we send her a wedding gift?" Ned said as he tucked away the piece of parchment as soon as Zephyr came over.

"Kahl Drogo, a savage. I doubt she wed him willingly though, it's her brother after the throne." Zephyr confidently deduced the situation as she sat down next to her father.

Her father sighed. "Seven Hells, Zeph. If Ned hadn't agreed to be my hand I might've made you it instead." Her father said as he wrapped an arm around her, "I don't carte which one of the Targaryens wants the throne, both of them are a threat. We can send her a Knife, perhaps a good, sharp one and a bold man to wield it." He stated as he took a sip of his wine.

"She's little more than a child" Ned tried to reason with her unreasonable father.

"And soon enough that child will spread her legs and start breeding." The King retorted clearly getting frustrated.

"Tell me we're not speaking of this." Ned said, in disbelief. Zephyr couldn't blame him though, this was ridiculous. The Targaryens haven't even done anything that could've triggered a war yet, Daenerys just at the very least got married, willingly or unwillingly and that was that.

"Oh so its unspeakable to you? What her father did to your family - that was unspeakable. What Rhaegar Targaryen did to your sister - the woman I loved. I'll kill every Targaryen I get my hands on." The King said angrily. He wasn't afraid to admit this. Even Zephyr knew there was no love between her father and her mother and she couldn't blame him after what he'd said.

"But you can't get your hands on this one, can you?" Ned questioned.

"This Kahl Drogo, it's said he has a 100,000 men in his horde." Robert recounted.

"Even a million Dothraki men are no threat to the realm, father." Zephyr spoke up, defending Ned. He was right, her father wasn't thinking clearly. "As long as they remain on the other side of the Narrow Sea, they have no ships."

"There are still those in The Seven Kingdoms who call me usurper. If the Targaryen Boy crosses with a Dothraki horde at his back, the scum will join him." He explained to both his daughter and friend.

"He will not cross." Ned reassured the King. "And if by chance he does, we'll throw him back into the sea."

"There's a war coming Ned." Her father said as he took a sip of his wine, "I don't know when, I don't know who we'll be fighting, but it's coming."

Winter is coming.

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