Chapter Five

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It was the next day and everyone was resting up at the Inn. Zephyr had been sleeping basically all day because it was an easier way to pass the time and once she had woken up she was talking with her father until her Mother came in demanding angrily that Arya Stark be brought in front of the King immediately.

When her Father had asked the Lannister woman what had happened, she explained to them that Arya and her wolf had attacked Joffery.

And here they were now. In the Inn with Arya brought in front of the King once she was found.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Arya panicked talking to her father as he pushed through. He didn't care what happened, all he cared about was that his daughter was safe and well.

"Are you hurt?" Ned asked worriedly and Arya answered no with a shake of her head.

"Oh, it's all right." Stark embraced his youngest daughter before turning to the King. "What is the meaning of this? Why was my daughter not brought to me at once?"

"How dare you speak to your King in that manner?" Cersei sneered.

"Quiet, woman." Zephyr's father shut her up with that. "Sorry, Ned. I never meant to frighten the girl. But we need to get this business done quickly."

"Your girl and that Butcher's Boy attacked my son." Cersei told Ned. "That animal of hers nearly tore off his arm."

Zephyr rolled her eyes at her mother's dramatics. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten all cocky and mighty then, maybe things would've been more different.

"That's not true!" Arya shouted. "She just.. bit him a little. He was hurting Mycah."

"Joff told us what happened. You and that boy beat him with clubs while you set your wolf on him." Cersei explained what her beloved son told her. Zephyr knew her brother was a stuck up egotistical brat but even that was too far. A Butcher's Boy and Arya doing that? They would've needed a reason. A Butcher's Boy would never go and just attack a prince like that, not if he wanted to live. And Arya Stark was a wild one but Zephyr doubted she'd do anything as extreme as such. 

"That's not what happened!" Arya yelled once more, frustrated that they were believing the prince over her.

"It does seem very unlikely, father. They're only children. Joffery isn't weak enough to have his ass handed to him like that.-" Zephyr said but was cut off by Cersei scolding her. 

"Watch that filthy mouth of yours." She sneered embarrassed.

"I'm just telling it how I see it, in a reasonable manner. You lot are far from being reasonable as soon as it comes to the charming prince with gold hair." She shot back at her mother fiercely. Her own brother has used his pretty privilege against her many times which resulted in her getting in trouble.

"Why you brat-" Cersei began but was cut off by her husband. "Shut it, both of you!"

"They all attacked me, it's true! She even threw my sword in the river." Joffery complained.

"Liar!" Arya accused.

"Shut up!" Joff shouted, and Zeph just felt like she was watching two toddlers fight and blame each other over who broke an expensive vase.

"Enough!" The King yelled over them all causing the room to go silent. "He tells me one thing, she tells me another. Seven Hells! What am I to make of this?" He sighed frustrated with the kids, "Where's your other daughter, Ned?"

"In bed, asleep." He answered but soon enough, there was Sansa walking through the doors. As soon as she saw the other Stark girl, she knew her mother sabotaged this. She glanced over at Cersei and found her smirking.

sly motherfucker.

"Now, child.." Robert gestured her to step in front of him. "Tell me what happened. Tell it all and tell it true. It's a great crime to lie to a King."

Zephyr didn't need Sansa to open her mouth to know what she would say. Seeing as her mother set her up for this, she was gonna take Joffery's side.

"I don't know. I don't remember. Everything happened so fast. I didn't see." Sansa explained as her voice shook slightly.

"Liar!" Ayra screamed as she lunged at her sister and began pulling her hair. "Liar, liar, liar!"

"Arya!" Sansa yelled surprised, trying to fight off the younger girl.

Zephyr sighed as Ned went to pull the two apart.

"You know, if you'd quit being such an egotistical bastard, maybe half of the people would actually be able to tolerate you Joffery." Zephyr sneered as she became fed up with this entire situation. It was hardly Arya or Sansa's fault. Don't even get her started on the Butcher's Boy, he was just Arya's friend and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Before any of her family could scold her or stop her, Zephyr walked out of the room, enraged. Some days she could tolerate her brother, and on days like these she'd rather hunt him instead of a boar.

later that night, as she was lying in her bed in one of the Inn's rooms, she could basically hear Sansa crying herself to sleep. She assumed one of their wolves would have to pay the price instead of the girls, and she assumed correctly.

Zephyr promised to herself and secretly to the Starks that she will do everything in her power to make their stay a little more pleasant and take some pain from them if possible.

What Sansa didn't know yet that things would get so so much worse for her, Arya didn't know that she'd have to grow up so soon and Ned Stark didn't know what his loyalty would bring him..

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