Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was terrifying. Zephyr had always been a tough girl, ready for any battle with the intent of winning, no matter what. But this was different. This was a war, a war against her Uncle Stannis Baratheon. A war about who gets to sit on the Iron Throne.

Amidst the chaos, Zephyr could've easily escaped with the help of Lord Varys, but she has Lannister in her blood. Lannisters don't run, especially not a Baratheon.  She was going to either win the Throne for herself, or she'd die a warriors death.

Currently she was on the wall with the archers who'd shoot their arrows and have that fire in a jar launched at those ships. Statisically speaking, Stannis would win this war, he's got the armies, the ships, and dark magic. King's Landing however didn't have as many men, but they have Tyrion Lannister and Zephyr Baratheon, who also has magic. Whether it was dark magic or not, no one would know until much later, but for now their only goal was to win.

She could hear the loud, battle hungry drums being played as the ships got closer and closer. However their fleet was nowhere in sight. She guessed it must've been on the way, so she began concentrating.

Zephyr had read many books about supposed ways of enhancing one's abilities, mental strength and power. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, grounding her own energy, ignoring the yells of the men, the bells and the drums.

It was almost quiet in her head as she was clearing away any distracting thoughts, acknowledging some before gently clearing them as well.

Then she heard it.

"Archers, to your marks!"

She let out a breath as she mentally prepared herself more. She could feel her body buzzing. Perhaps of anxiety? adrenaline? Maybe even Bloodthirst, she didn't know. All she knew was that she was indeed prepared and nothing could hold her back anymore.

"Nock your arrows!"

Zephyr Baratheon inhaled once more, deeply.

"Hold fast!"

She held her breath, clearing her mind of any other lingering thoughts.

"Boulders ready!"

Zephyr began to feel both hot and cold, maybe it was the breeze and the torches she could feel, she wasn't sure. It was nearly comforting though.

That's when she heard the faint yell of her enemies, "Wildfire" and opened her eyes. Bronn had shot his inflamed arrow into the wildfire in the water, which had been poured by their fleet that had distracted their enemies. 

Then there was a great explosion.

She focused deeper onto it, feeling the fire in her own veins causing the flames to rise even higher than they did before, consuming any nearby ship, letting them meet their unfortunate end.

She made some smaller explosions happen, controlling exactly where they'd land.

A smile slowly grew on the princess' face. She smiled. She was powerful, consuming those ships and those poor men in that wildfire, and no one could do anything about it. They won.

However, knowing how cruel her uncle was, she knew he wasn't going to retreat. Upon coming to this realization, she stopped controlling the wildfire spreading and went to find Tyrion.

"He's a serious man, Stannis Baratheon." Tyrion commented as he saw them rowing towards the gates. Joffrey looked terrified for his life when Zephyr reached them.

"What the hell are you doing here? You should be safe with mother!" Joffrey yelled at his sister.

"Listen here, you little shit." Zephyr started as she marched over to her beloved brother who kept taking several steps back from her, afraid of getting slapped again. "If I hadn't been here, that wildfire wouldn't have been as great as it was."

"They're coming. They're coming ashore!" Joffrey said quickly.

"Rain fire on them." Tyrion answered.


"They're too many." Joffrey spoke.

"Hound, form a welcome party for any Baratheon troop that manages to touch solid ground." Tyrion ordered, "Pod, run to the King's Gate. Bring any men guarding it here, now." They both nodded and went off to do as they were told.

"Zeph, control those arrows and make sure they hit their targets." Tyrion said to his niece, who tried to calm her nerves. "Take your time, but be quick with it."

Zephyr nodded. She knew she couldn't spend too much time mentally preparing again so she'd just have to clear as many thoughts for the time being and focus on hitting the target.

She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply and clearing her mind once more. She remembered what her father told her when she was four.

"A Baratheon wins Battles. Ours is the fury."

Ours is the fury.

Ours is the Fury.

She felt a sudden surge of rage run throughout her entire being. Her eyes were still closed, but she didn't need to see to know where everyone was. She could feel everything.


As soon as the archers let loose of ther flaming arrows, Zephyr baratheon immediately took control, making sure she hit as many of these targets as she could without loosing too much focus. It was a lot harder than just making an explosion go even more boom, this was hitting the target, and hitting them good so they wouldn't stand again.

She managed to get one third of the men quite good with the arrows, before they found some mild cover, which resulted in some of these men defending King's Landing to begin throwing some heavy itoms on theirs head, smashing their skulls.

Stannis Baratheon and his men soon enough began moving to the mud gate as Tyrion had predicted before, seeing as it was the weakest gate of the City. The hound was already there though as Stannis' men marched over and another battle began.

Zephyr started controlling the arrows of the enemy, breaking them before they're able to be nocked, or making the arrows quite literally backfire.

Soon enough though, her ears began ringing a high pitched tone. She had reached her limit, she wasn't ready to stop yet though, she couldn't.

As the pain in her ears grew worse, she finally opened her eyes. To say it was pure chaos would be humbling the situation.

Her ears were still ringing and her vision was growing blurry as each second passed, which felt like endless minutes.

Eventually, she hit the ground as the darkness finally consumed her. She had done all she could for the war. It was enough for them to win. Or so she hoped, but she also knew hoping too much would result in disappointment.

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