Chapter Thirty-Nine

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||The Wars to Come||

Zephyr was pacing in her chambers anxiously as Lord Varys watched the young Queen panick. "They're going to execute him tomorrow, Varys! I don't exactly see how I can be calm and collected right now. I should've done something, somehow stop the Mountain from murdering Oberyn like that."

"How would you have stopped it then, do enlighten me, you Grace." Varys spoke calmly, not exactly sure how to save the situation either.

Zephyr simply stopped pacing and shot a glare at her old friend, "You're not exactly being helpful either. How the bloody hell are you so calm?"

"Because I have a plan." Varys grinned.

"A plan?" Zephyr repeated, raising her brows, "What plan? Unless you're some sort of magician and spirit Tyrion away..-"

The young Queen stopped herself as a look of realization appeared on her face. "That plan."

"It's time to leave home." Varys told her. "How are we going to do that?" Zephyr asked, calming down despite her heart racing.

"We'll have to free your gremlin of an Uncle first. Do you trust me?" Varys told the girl, he's basically known since she was a very young girl.

Zephyr nodded, "I trust you more than anyone, Varys."

And so Varys explained his plan to the young Queen, where the next day during the night, all three of them would escape King's Landing and all its horrors, what they didn't know though, there'd be other horrors waiting for them.

For now though, Jaime was helping them out as he got through the guard and to Tyrion's cell, unlocking it, hearing a rather grumpy Tyrion "Oh, get on with it, you son of a whore."

"Is that any way to speak about our mother?" Was all that Jaime could say with a smile on his face. He wasn't going to let his brother die, not if he could help it.

"What are you doing?" Tyrion asked Jaime, "What do you think I'm doing?" Jaime responded.

"A galley's waiting in the bay bound for the Free Cities." Jaime explained as he led Tyrion out, "Who's helping you?" Tyrion asked.

"Zephyr and Varys."  Jaime replied.

"Zephyr and Varys?" The dwarf repeated to which Jaime said "You have more friends than you thought."

Jaime kept leading Tyrion through corridors, to safely get him out, "There's a locked door at the top of the stairs. Knock on it twice, and then twice again. Varys will open."

"I suppose this is goodbye then." Tyrion told his brother. "Farewell little brother." Jaime told him after ebracing Tyrion one more time before he left.

"Jaime, thank you. For my life." Tyrion thanked his brother, and he meant every word. He couldn't be happier to see him. "Quickly now." Jaime said after a moment before he left.

However Tyrion wasn't done yet. He needed to take care of some business first. That business was finding Shae in his Father's chambers and murdering her with his own two hands. Next was his father, Tywin Lannister. He who sentenced his very own son to death, was now dead in the privy with two arrows in his chest, shot by Tyrion with his very own fancy crossbow.

Only after that did Tyrion knock on that door twice and then twice again for Varys to open up. "Trust me my friend, I've brought you this far." Varys said as he got Tyrion to sit in that big box of his before sealing the top and getting on that ship where Zephyr was waiting, the young Queen's cloak covering her identity very well.

They sat silently, side by side as the bells began tolling, signalling to everyone in King's Landing that something had happened. Not only was The prisoner out of his cell, The Hand of the Queen was dead and the Queen herself was nowhere to be found. It was a disaster.

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