Chapter Fifty-Five

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||The Dragon and The Wolf||


The young Queen heard a faint voice almost like it was too far away to understand clearly.


The strange sound of her name seemed to be getting closer. It was dark.. Zephyr couldn't see anything. She felt immense pain in her gut though. Every breath she took felt painful.


"Danny?" The younger Queen awoke with a start, instantly regretting her decision to sit up as pain soared through her like it was no one's bloody business.

"You shouldn't be sitting, silly." Daenerys spoke through tears as she gently helped her friend lie back down, safely. 

When Zephyr saw her tears, everything came back to her. They were North of the wall to find a dead man and to bring it to Cersei as proof. They were surrounded by thousands of millions of dead men. She remembered getting stabbed. She remembered how it felt when she was losing a lot of blood at a rapid rate.

"Viserion.." She whispered, "Danny I'm so sorry.."

"Don't be." Daenerys managed to choke out as she cried for her child that she lost.

"How could I not be?.." Zephyr sat up, ignoring the pain. She needed to comfort her friend. Her Dragons are the only children she'll ever have and she just lost one. "It's my fault you lost Viserion.. If we hadn't gone-"

"We needed to." Daenerys cut in, "If we didn't we wouldn't have seen."

Zephyr nodded, understanding.

"We're on our way to King's Landing." Daenerys then informed after wiping away her tears.

"How long was I out for?" Zephyr panicked.

"A few days.." Danny sighed, "I thought I'd lost you too."

"Oh, Danny.." Zephyr said as she embraced the woman she calls her best friend, "As Tormund would say, I'm a cunt to kill."

"Tormund?" Daenerys asked as she giggled.

"A ginger wildling." Zephyr grinned, proud that she got her to laugh.

"Wait, is Jon-"

"Jon is alive and well." Daenerys answered, "He bent the knee for you."

"But his people.. and Sansa-" Zephyr was cut off again.

"They'll see us for who we are." Daenerys asnwered gently before helping her dress. She knew she wouldn't simply stay in bed if you tell her to. No, she's as stubborn as a mule, she will do what she likes, even if she's injured.

As soon as she got on the deck, Jon didn't fail to spot her. He was at her side as soon as he saw his lover was awake and as well as she could be.

"You should be resting." Jon stated, frowning in worry.

"I'll be fine." Zephyr told him, "I'll rest once we meet with my Mother and show her the proof."

Jon nodded. He couldn't argue with her.

Zephyr slowly strode to the side, glancing at all the ships Euron Greyjoy brought to King's Landing. Once they arrived, they made their way to the Dragon pit to meet with the Tyrant whose name is Cersei.

"Why did they build it?" Daenerys asked. 

"Dragons don't understand the difference between what is theirs and what isn't." Jorah simply answered. "Land, livestock, children.. Letting them roam free around a city was a problem."

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