Chapter Seventeen

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Zephyr was sitting next to her uncle, Tyrion when the Queen who was a royal pain in the princess' ass read out a letter sent by Robb Stark.

"From this time until the end of Time, we are not part of your realm, but a free and independant Kingdom of the North." She said and tore it up after she was finished reading it.

Zephyr knew this angered her far more than possibly her existence which definitely says something. The young princess shared an uneasy look with Tyrion who knew exactly what was coming.

"He has more spirit than his father, I'll give him that." Cersei sighed.

"You've perfected the art of tearing up papers." said Tyrion in a very sarcastic tone. Zephyr had to hold back a smile that was making it's way onto her face, because he definitely wasn't wrong. She literally perfected the art of tearing up papers. "We can give him his father's bones back, at least, as a gesture of good faith." Zephyr suggested, knowing Cersei had something to say against it.

"You'll give the Starks our reply, cousin?" Cersei asked. Her cousin, who had originally brought the letter to them was caught by one of Robb's soldiers and was made to send this message. He looked down for a moment, clearly afraid of going back, but nodded nonetheless. "I will, your grace."

"Did you see my brother, when you were the Stark's guest?" She asked. That was her one redeeming quality. She cared about those she actually loved like her twin and her children - minus for Zephyr she feels like - that, and her cheekbones.

"I did." Alton said. "They have not broken his spirit, your Grace."

"If you speak with him, tell him he's not been forgotten." Cersei told the man, who in turn responded with "I will, your Grace."

"Safe travels, cousin." Tyrion told the man sincerely, knowing how dangerous it actually was for him, resulting with Alton being led away by the guards.

"You have a deft hand with diplomacy." Tyrion told his sister, Cersei.

"If that's everything.." Cersei said, finally wanting to end this meeting. Zephyr was mildly surprised that her mother seemed to be avoiding her, lowkey. She knows the queen saw her arm, but she doesn't know what she thought or felt. Was she happy to have caused harm? Did she feel ashamed for hurting her eldest daughter? Or was she afraid of someone finding out it was her who did it.

"A raven flew in this morning from Castle Black." Grand Maester Pycelle told her mother, effectively keeping the meeting going. As soon as Zephyr heard Castle Black, her head snapped to Pycelle's direction and Tyrion was afraid the girl got whiplashed from doing so.

"Trouble with the wildlings." Varys said as Tyrion took the letter from the Maester.

"That's why they're called wildlings." Baelish told the eunuch. "Somewhat less wild these days." Varys retorted.

Zephyr frowned, "What do you mean 'Less wild'?" Varys avoided eye contact which confused Zephyr even more. "They've stopped killing each other and started following this king-beyond-the-wall."

Zephyr's brain wasn't braining. What in the Seven Hells does Varys mean?

"Another king? How many is that now?" Cersei asked. "Five? I've lost count." She laughed.

"Lord commander asks that we send more men to man the wall" Tyrion read.

"Perhaps he's forgotten that we're fighting a war. We have no men to spare." Zephyr stated, trying to make sense of the situation. For the first time in a while, Cersei found herself agreeing with her daughter.

"The cold winds are rising and the dead rise with them." Tyrion read out loud.

"The northeners are supersitious people." Pycelle concluded.

Cersei stood up from her seat, clearly frustrated as Tyrion kept reading, while everyone else except for the pair rose from their seats, bowing to the Queen.

"According to the commander, one of these dead men attacked him in his chambers."  Tyrion explained.

"Mormont doesn't lie."

"How do you kill a dead man?" Varys questioned curiously. Zephyr was actually wondering the same exact thing. "Apparently you burn him." Tyrion answered.

Makes sense though. If the dead rise with the cold winds, you use the exact opposite of what they are. Something hot. Or better yet, fire. Lots of it.

Cersei laughed, "One trip to the wall and you come back believing in grumpkins and snarks."

"I don't know what I believe." Tyron said as Cersei began walking towards the door, "But here's a fact for you: The Night's Watch is the only thing that seperates us from what lies beyond the wall."

"I have every confidence that the brave men of the Night's Watch will protect us all." Cersei said, getting the last word for now, as she left the meeting room along with Grand Maester Pycelle, Lord Varys and Lord Baelish.

Zephyr and Tyrion shared a knowing look, knowing full well that even if this seemingly finds its end one day, there's something more dangerous coming. Neither of them were really willing to risk it either, so they had to do something. But for now, all they could do was do they duty and be the Hands of the King.

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