Chapter Twenty-Seven

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||Valar Morghulis||

Darkness. Cold.

That was all the princess felt.

It felt like she was finally at peace if it wasn't for her throbbing head, and mumbles which only kept getting louder and louder.

She was able to recognize the voices soon enough.

The voice of her mother and that of her... Grandfather. Had he returned?

Upon coming to this realization, Zephyr finally managed to open her eyes, letting out a groan as light hit her. She much preferred the dark over some blinding light.

"There she is." Zephyr heard Tywin Lannister say with a sigh, "We thought we had lost you for a moment."

"We did lose her!" Cersei raised her voice, sounding like she had been crying. "Her heart stopped beating for an hour. Grand Maester Pycelle says it's a miracle if she were to wake up at all!"

Wait, what?

"My heart.. stopped beating?" Zephyr managed to sit up and open her eyes once more to gaze into the blue eyes of he Grandfather. "Apparently so. That maester is a fool."

"Yeah well, I agree with you there." Zephyr commented and she glanced at Cersei who had wiped her tears away in an attempt to look strong. It broke Zephyr's heart almost, the way she keeps acting like she's strong and none of this gossip effects her or the threats on her and Joffrey's lives.

"Go on then. Clean yourself up and meet us in the Throne room." Was all Tywin had to say before leaving.

"You almost died out there." Cersei sighed, but smiled nonetheless. Zephyr was her daughter afterall. She would've rather died as well than be killed by Stannis' men. She almost did kill herself and her son Tommen though, if it wasn't for Tywin Lannister.

"But I didn't." Zephyr smiled back at her.

"What did you do out there anyway?" Cersei asked.

"I guess you can say the fury was ours." 


Tywin Lannister strut into the Throne room on his horse, Every man and woman looking up at him in awe and glory. If he hadn't got to King's Landing in time, the city would've long fallen and crumbled under Stannis Baratheon's feet.

"I, Joffrey of the House Baratheon, first of my name, the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, do hereby proclaim my Grandfather, Tywin Lannister, the savior of the City and the Hand of the King." Joffrey announced as Zephyr sat on his left while their Mother sat on his left.

Joffrey placed the pin on a pillow that the Steward held before bringing it to Tywin. Zephyr wore a similar one, except hers was Silver and made specifically for her. Their Grandfather took the pin and bowed to Joffrey, "Thank you, your Grace." before stepping out of the Throne room, on his horse.

"Lord Petyr Baelish, step forward." Joffrey demanded to Baelish, who did as he was told and bowed before the King.

"For your good service and ingenuinity in uniting the Houses of Lannister and Tyrell, I declare that you shall be granted the Castle of Harrenhal with all its attendant lands and incomes, to be held by your sons and grandsons from this day until the end of time." Joffrey spoke.

"You honor me beyond words, your grace." Baelish told the young king. "I shall have to aquire some sons and grandsons" The crowd laughed at the cunning man's joke. Zephyr caught Varys' eye who rolled them in turn, making the princess smile.

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