Chapter Thirty-Seven

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||The Laws of Gods and Men||

"May the warrior grant her courage and protect her in these perilous times. May the smith grant her strength that she might bear this heavy burden. And may the Crone, she that knows the fate of all men, show her the path she must walk and guide her through the dark places that lie ahead." The High Septon said as he held the crown above Princess Zephyr's head, about to crown her for Queen.

"In the light of the Seven, I now proclaim Zephyr of the House Baratheon, First of her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men and Lady of the Seven Kingdoms." He announced as he finally set the crown on top of her head, "Long may she reign!"

"Long may she reign" was repeated once more loudly by the audience in the Throne Room followed by cheering.

Zephyr let out a breath she hadn't known she's been holding during that entire time, the heavy weight lifting off of her chest. but not completely. She still had Tyrion on her mind. Even if they weren't on the greatest of terms, she still loved her family.

The now Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, since Rhaenyra Targaryen and Old Valyria, sat on the Iron Throne and smiled. Her mother Cersei, and her Grandfather Tywin Lannister stood on either side of her, both of their eyes gleaming with pride almost. 

The small council strode over before the Queen, first being The Grand Maester who bowed. "Your Grace." He said as he went to stand beside her mother, next being Lord Varys who grinned at her.

A grin of her own appeared on Zephyr's lips, dismissing her old friend with a nod of her head. This all felt unreal to her. 

She still couldn't believe King Robert Baratheon was dead, Ned Stark was dead, and now her brother was gone too. A part of her wanted to be angry with these men, for leaving her with Lions who were constantly at each other's throats, not knowing what to do or how exactly to rule a Kingdom let alone Seven.

But she couldn't.

She learned from all of them. That she couldn't deny.

Zephyr gazed off into nothing as she zoned out once more into her own realm of thoughts. She thought about Jon's reaction. She was sure he'd take the piss out of her with 'your royal highness' or any other ridiculous titles he could come up with. That is, if he's still alive.

Zephyr knows there's a much more dangerous and important war to fight in the North, but she didn't know what she could do about it. One thing she knew for sure, she had to become allies with Daenerys Targaryen. She was afterall, going for the iron throne and her army was growing more each day. In all honesty, she admired the Targaryen girl. She's a strong woman and she knows what she wants and how to get it. 

Zephyr nodded, dismissing every single person who came up to her, bowed, and said 'your grace.'

It was odd. She still couldn't wrap her head around the fact she's really the Queen. It felt weird. She has responsibilities now, a whole fuck ton of them, at that.

Then Zephyr glanced to her younger brother who practically had hearts for eyes as he was holding eye contact with Margery. Her Mother, the Queen Regent followed her gaze and sent a nasty glare at Margery before going to speak with her.

Knowing her own mother all too well, she's certainly going to threaten her life with some extra added sugar and spite.

~Game of Thrones~

Queen Zephyr walked into the meeting room ahead of her Grandfather Tywin and as soon as the pair entered, everyone who was sitting stood up and bowed to greet the Queen. Well everyone except Prince Oberyn. "My Queen, My Lord, it's a great honour to have been given a seat on this council. I.."  The man was cut off as Zephyr took her seat at the head of the table with Tywin to her Right and Cersei to her Left.

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