Chapter Fifty

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"How did he take it?" Zephyr asked Daenerys who just entered the throne room of the great Pyramid. She'd been pacing ever since she got there, waiting for her friend's arrival. Tyrion had been given the task of dealiong with his niece who is quite literally a ball of anxiety. 

Zephyr would be going home soon, but this time with Daenerys Targaryen, this time rebuilding the Seven Kingdoms, making the realm a better place for everyone there.

"No tears." Daenerys said as she walked down those steps for the last time.

"I know it was hard for you." Tyrion said, looking down. "You turned away a man who truly loves you because he would've been a liability in the Seven Kingdoms."

"That's the kind of self-sacrifice that makes for a good ruler,  if it's any consolation." Tyrion added as Daenerys walked over to them. 

"It's not." Daenerys stated bluntly, "No, I suppose not." Zephyr and Daenerys sat down next to Tyrion as he drank his wine. 

"I'm terrible at consoling." Tyrion admitted.

"Yes, you really are." Zephyr stated.

"Alright, how about the fact that this is actually happening?" Tyrion asked, "You have your armies, you have your ships, you have your dragons, you have Zephyr. Everything you've ever wanted since you were old enough to want anything, it's all yours for the taking."

"Are you afraid?" Tyrion then asked, noticing both of their expressions.

They nodded. "Good." Said Tyrion, "You're in the great game now. And the great game is terrifying. The only people who aren't afraid of failure are madmen like your father."

"Do you know what frightens me?" Daenerys asked, in a small voice. "I said farewell to a man who loves me. A man I thought I cared for. And I felt nothing."

Zephyr felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand, chills going down her spine. She did understand that though, to some degree.

"Just impatient to get on with it." Daenerys confessed.

"He wasn't the first to love you." Zephyr told her friend. "And he won't be the last."

"Well, you have completely failed to console me." Daenerys told them, which made a small smile grow on Zephyr's lips.

"For what it's worth, I've been a cynic for as long as I can remember. Everyone's always asking me to believe in things. Family, gods, kings, myself. It was often tempting until I saw where belief got people. " Tyrion spoke, "So, I said, 'No thank you' to belief. And yet here I am." Tyrion stood.

"I believe in you." Tyrion said, honesty clear in his voice, "I believe in both of you. It's embarressing, really. I'd swear you my sword, but I don't actually own a sword."

Daenerys chuckled, "It's your counsel we need."

"It's yours." Tyrion promised, "Now and always."

"Good." Daenerys smiled.

"I, um..I had something made for you." Daenerys told Tyrion. "I'm not sure if it's right."

Daenerys had a Hand of the Queen pin made for him, like the one in King's Landing.

"Tyrion Lannister, I name you Hand of the Queens." Daenerys announced.

Tyrion then got down on one knee and bowed. 

Zephyr stood on the side, smiling proudly. He really deserved this. She swore she'd never let her uncle or anyone she cared about suffer any longer.

Daenerys then locked eyes with her, "I have something else I'd like to share with you my dear friend." 

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