Chapter Fifty-Eight

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||The Long Night||

Winterfell was dark and eerie. The dead was marching towards them and every man, woman and child feared for their lives. The Unsullied and Dothraki got in line, following the plan that Aegon had laid out for every man to follow.

For Zephyr, she strcitly had to stay mounted on Rhaegal. If she were to fight on the ground with everyone else, it would be the downfall of her family. She had to live for them, at the very least.

Zephyr, Aegon and Daenerys mounted their dragons and flew over Winterfell, making sure to stay close to the Godswood to protect Bran, but distant enough for the Night King to come into their trap. Aegon had mounted Rhaegal with his wife as they watched their united army stand perfectly, guarding Winterfell, waiting for any sign at all of the Night King, a white walker or any of their foot sodliers.

Then Zephyr saw a rider, in a red hood. She quickly deduced that it was the Red Witch Gendry told her about as soon as she made sure every Dothraki's sword was aflame. Then they opened the gates for her as she rode through.

Zephyr assumed Ser Davos wasn't too happy about her presence, but they'd take every help they could get.

Then it happned so fast. The Dothraki charged at the dead as soon as they saw them, exclaiming and whooping as they did whenever they went into battle while the Unsullied on the walls of Winterfell lit large balls covered in oil on fire before catapulting it at the walking dead.

From where they stood, it seemed like the fire dimmed as soon as the Dothraki fell like flies. It only took a few minitues for all of them to get slain on the field. And soon enough, the exclaiming and whooping was no more. Just distant hissing and growls of the dead men. 

For those that hadn't fallen, were running back to Winterfell on foot while their horses ran off on their own.

Daenerys let out a shakey breath as she turned to mount Drogon, but was stopped by her friend. "The Night King is coming, Danny."

"The dead are already here." Daenerys stated as she shoved Zephyr off of her and went on to Mount Drogon, raining hell on the dead that was making child's play of their army.

"Come on, Aegon." Zephyr said as she mounted Rhaegal, helping him climb onto the dragon before they too took off to help Daenerys in burning their enemies and hopefully make it easier for their allies to fight them off.

Once Zephyr spotted the white walkers, she dipped down to charge at them with Rhaegal but her vision was blocked by a sudden Snow storm. She could only reasonably assume this was the Night King riding Viserion.

They couldn't see much so they crashed through many trees and eventually crashed into Drogon, which made all of them scream in surprise.

Once they got all sense together, the two dragons flew side by side, not really happy that they bumped into each other. 

It wasn't ideal either. They could barely see anything from where they were now.

Unfortunately for Aegon and Zephyr, They somehow managed to split up from Daenerys, "Danny!" Zephyr called out but to no avail.

Rhaegal landed nearby the trenches, Zephyr  deciding it would be the best idea to do so. It was impossible for them to see anything until their army had to fall back and Grey Worm screamed at the top of his lungs to light the trenches.

They realized neither Daenerys nor Zephyr could see a thing, let alone their dragons so they went out themselves to try and light the trenches. It was useless, until Grey worm asked th Red Witch to use the same incantation on the trenches to light them like she did with the Dothraki's swords. It took her a while as she was guarded by the Unsullied, but eventually, she lit them with a great fire.

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