Chapter 9: I'm pregnant!

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Ashley's POV

The hotel building greeted me as I stepped inside.

The first few days after my incident with Tristan were nerve-racking. I lived under the constant fear that I would bump into him again and make sure that I had been fired.

Recently, I have become calmer. I switched some shifts with some other maid so there was almost a guarantee that I wouldn't serve him again. He had his private elevator to the presidential suite. Adding up all my chances, the possibility of seeing him again had been boiled down to a zero. Which led me to say that I think I might have gotten away with it.

I stepped into the breakroom.

"Why are you so happy today?" Ivy asked.

"It's a beautiful day," I answered with a smile. "I have a feeling that good things are going to happen." I continued.

"Well, I hope you win the lotto and become a millionaire. That way we can both stop working in this place." She answered.

Marcus walked in, giving out the instructions for the day.

"Ashley, I need you to clean up the suite in room 346. We have some guests coming in today." Marcus instructed.

I nodded.

"Ivy, I need you to go to Maddison's room." Marcus continued.

Ivy sighed.

I didn't get stuck with Maddison again, maybe today was a good day for me.

These days Maddison has become worse, especially with the rumours going around that she and Tristan are officially in a relationship, she already thinks she owns the place.

The room slowly cleared as everyone went on to do their tasks.

I stepped into the elevator. I noticed Maddison walk in my direction, wearing a thick black coat and sunglasses.

"Tristan!" Maddison called out.

I looked up as the elevator doors started to close.

Why was she calling him, he wasn't even anywhere in sight. Maybe she was talking to him on a call.

A hand stopped the doors from closing as a man rushed in. He bumped into me causing me to fall off my feet. His hands reached me just before I hit the ground, holding me into place.

It took me a moment to register before I looked up.

It was him, Tristan Montenegro.

I quickly gathered myself up to my feet before he could further recognize it was me. I pulled away from his arms and stood in the corner, looking away from him.

I pressed the button to the nearest floor.

"I'm sorry about that Miss," He spoke.

I kept my head bowed as my hair hung on the sides of my face.

I noticed as he leaned over to my side. I panicked, maybe he wanted to see my face and discover my lie. I tried my best to turn away from him.

His hand reached for the elevator buttons, pressing the button to the top floor before he leaned away and moved to his side.

I was safe. At least for now.

I quickly stepped out of the elevator as the doors opened.

Once the elevator doors had closed, I breathed heavily as if I had just run a marathon. I hadn't realized that I had been holding my breath.

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