Chapter 26: The break-in

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Ashley's POV

"I can't believe this happened to us," Madison said, shaking in fear.

She paused, taking the time to blow her nose. She took another tissue to wipe her tears.

The room was a mess, with a few broken vases and the glass table shattered into pieces. Some of the furniture was pushed from its original position, possibly due to the fight.

Among many people, there were police officers in the room. Marcus was there too along with the head of the hotel security team.

Tristan was anxious, pacing the room as we all listened to Madison make her statement.

He seemed fine. The pain in his abdomen was gone, he only had a bleeding nose. There was blood on his hand and his knuckles were red and a bit bruised. Those guys hadn't done much damage to him.

I sat down and leaned on the couch with an ice pack on my head. My head was hurting, but nothing serious had happened to me. The paramedics had already come in and checked on me and I was deemed fine.

"I was just in my suite, busy as always. I called Tristan to come over to my room since we have a project that we are working on together. I had some ideas that I wanted to show him." She paused wiping a tear off her cheek. "That's when I heard the knock on the door. I thought it was Tristan, so I got up to open the door. That's when the three men just barged in. They threatened me and asked me to give them all my jewellery. One of them even tried to force himself on me." She continued to sob.

"Did they take anything, ma'am?" The officer asked after taking some notes in his book.

"No, luckily Tristan got here right on time. They left the door wide open. Tristan saw them in here. One of the guys started attacking Tristan, but he fought back." Madison continued. "He saved me from a dreadful thing that was about to happen. It was horrible. I could still smell that men's horrible stench." Madison cried.

The officer took another note.

"Okay," the officer spoke. That will be it for now. "We'll contact you for more information, and you might have to come into the station for a more formal report and further questioning," the officer informed.

Madison nodded.

"We'll look at the hotel footage as well. We'll inform you about our findings." Another officer spoke.

Madison continued to sob.

"I need you to get to the bottom of this. I want to understand how something like this could have happened. We'll give you everything to use at your disposal for this investigation. Everyone will cooperate as best they can. I'm sure you might be able to get something from the video footage. I'd also like to see the footage myself." Tristan added.

The officers nodded then moved aside as they started speaking to Marcus who was near the door.

Tristan moved from his spot, ready to make his way out of the room.

Madison stood up from the couch, looking more distressed. "Please Tristan, you can't leave me alone. I don't feel safe." Madison cried. She walked over to Tristan and clung to his arm.

It's like I was in preschool all over again.

Tristan sighed, facing her. "Nothing will happen to you, the officers are here to protect you." Tristan tried to assure her.

"I only feel safe with you, you are the only one I can trust to protect me." Madison continued. She rested her head on his arm and she continued clinging to him.

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