Chapter 30: Search for evidence

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Ashley's POV

I think I'm really starting to like Tristan, in a way that makes my heart beat faster whenever I think about it. It almost makes me feel a bit unsettled. I've never felt like this for anyone. I didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

I rushed home as soon as possible. I avoided Tristan and anything that might delay me from getting home on time.

I was still on thin ice with my mother. The last thing I needed was for her to become more suspicious.

I ate my dinner quietly, barely listening to my mom's story about her clients or my sister's when she was ranting about her classmates.

I drifted off to sleep after that, desperately trying to forget all my problems with Tristan or the recent photos of Vincent and I. My life was falling deeper into a hole. Sooner or later I'd run out of luck and everything would just explode in my face.

I just hope Tristan never sees those photos, but what were the chances when my face was in almost every tabloid in the city? It's a miracle my sister hadn't called me out on it.

But one thing was clear: I couldn't keep going like this. Things had to change.

I needed to tell Tristan the truth. Sooner or later he'd expect me to start showing and I wasn't even pregnant.

Telling him the truth was easier than it sounded considering I was constantly weak in the knee whenever I saw him. How could I look him in the eye and tell him that almost every single thing he thought of me was a lie? That our interactions were heavily influenced by every lie I had told him.

Maybe I needed to focus on the mission at hand first, get rid of Madison.

Once I was sure he was safe, I'd tell him everything and he'd be rid of all the lying and manipulative women in his life. There wasn't a guarantee that he wouldn't hate me forever but it was a risk I was willing to take.

The next morning, things at the hotel were a bit more relaxed with business as usual.

New clients were swarming in and out of the hotel. Just as Tristan had predicted, his engagement to Madison had worked. No one mentioned anything about the robbery, it was just simply passed off as a lie.

This morning, the attention was directed at me, not the positive kind.

By now most people had seen my face in the tabloid. I got the occasional looks from some of the hotel staff, most of their faces filled with curiosity.

I got a strange look from Sandra this morning. She didn't make any comments, she just smiled. If not for her recent comments I would have believed it was genuine.

I guess for her it confirmed that I wasn't sleeping with the boss.

That just makes things worse for me. I can never be associated with Tristan again, I'd never be able to show my face around here.

I felt my phone vibrate against my hip in my trouser pocket.

'We need to talk now!!'The text read. It was from Tristan.

I guess he had seen the tabloids too. I sighed as I placed the phone back in my pocket.

Despite my urge to see him, I couldn't do that right now. I already had too much attention on me right now. I couldn't be seen hurrying to his penthouse barely minutes after I had arrived. This would draw too much attention, not to mention I had no idea what to say to him.

Instead, I chose to ignore his message and returned to my job.

I started with one of the few tasks that Marcus had instructed me on yesterday. I felt several vibrations in my pocket, but I continued to ignore them.

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