Chapter 38: Full of visits

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Ashley's POV

Tristan was here! I couldn't believe it. My mind jumped into a panic.

What did he want?

I'd think that after everything he said and did today, he wouldn't show up here for at least a few more days.

I jumped off my bed and toward the window to confirm it with my own eyes.

And sure enough, he was here, in the flesh. Climbing out of his car wearing a navy blue tux. I saw him unload some things from the car.

Whenever I feel that things can't get any worse, something bad always happens. I didn't want to face him now. I needed some time to think things through. Telling him the truth no longer seemed like an option. I couldn't stay fake pregnant forever, so I needed another way out.

Besides, I was still mad at him. He not only fired me but humiliated me by kicking me out of the building.

I took a deep breath, taking in everything. What was I even worried about? It was his funeral. Despite me not talking to my mother, I don't think she has forgiven him yet. If he wanted another round of punches, that was his decision.

I sighed as I made my way back to my bed.

"Aren't you going to change into something else or at least brush your hair to look better?" Katy asked.

"Who said I was going to see him?" I asked with a chuckle. "You know mom, she is going to kick him out soon. He'll be here for about five minutes at best." I answered.

"What do you mean you are not going to see him? How else are you supposed to have his baby if you don't even want to speak to the guy?" she asked. "Besides, I really like him as a brother-in-law. You can't let mom kill him." She said.

"You are just going to have to find another sister because he is going to kill me when he finds out. Besides, I'm never having his baby," I answered. I settled myself on the bed. Pulling my phone out to play a video game.

I would never choose to have a baby as a backup plan, just to get out of trouble. Not to mention, it would stand in the way of everything I believe in. Besides, with Layla as the grandmother, I'm sure she'd be the one to raise it, it wouldn't be mine.

Katy sighed. "Fine, I'm going downstairs to do some damage control on your behalf." She answered.

I waved her goodbye as she made her way downstairs. If she wanted to join them, it was her funeral.

I pushed away all negative thoughts as I concentrated on the game.

Minutes passed without hearing any police sirens near by which meant everyone was still alive. I only heard occasional laughter in the living room. This meant things were going well, which was problematic for me.

Katy barged into my room, running in breathlessly. "You should really come downstairs." She said breathlessly. "Things are bad, it turns out that while we were in the room, mom and him had a very long conversation and now they are friends again. They are already looking at baby pictures now, who knows what they will get to next?" She said.

"I'm not coming downstairs." I insisted.

"Oh, I don't mean to stab you in the back but he brought some food and it looks very delicious." She added.

"You should just join them then," I dismissed her.

Katy sighed and ran out of my room again.

I didn't feel like sitting at the dinner table and speaking to either of them.

Trapping the billionaire✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora