Chapter 32: Mother in law

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Ashley's POV

I pulled away from Tristan, staring back at the empty space where Madison was. I still couldn't believe she was gone and just like that. She wasn't the type to give up so easily so what had Tristan done? From the way she walked away, it didn't look like she was ever coming back.

I thought I'd be barging in there and exposing Madison right in front of Tristan, even if it meant exposing myself, but there he was, completely fine without me.

"So why don't I take you home?" Tristan repeated. "You know, I think that it's time that I finally meet your family. We are having a baby after all." He smiled.

I tried to mask my concern.

Not this again. After everything I'd been through, and Madison finally leaving, my family meeting him was the last thing I wanted. I couldn't have him meet my family. I wasn't even sure if he'd still be talking to me a week from now.

I hoped it would never happen.

What I needed was to tell him the truth so I can finally get myself out of this situation. This has gone on for long enough.

Maybe I should use this opportunity to come clean. But no, after the way Madison left, I needed to give him a day to cool off. I still couldn't help but wonder what had happened.

"No, that's not a good idea," I finally answered.

"Why not?" He insisted.

I sighed. What was the best way to tell someone you didn't want him to meet my family because I was lying about being pregnant and I didn't want the whole thing to blow up in my face?

"You are a ball of sweetness. My mother will use that and tear you apart. I haven't even told her I'm pregnant yet." I lied.

"Come on, I'm tougher than I look." He insisted.

"How would it sound if we just showed up at your house and said, 'Hi mom, this is the guy I'm making out with in the passageway at work, and oh, I'm also having his baby.'?" I asked in a deeper voice, my failed attempt at mimicking him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, drawing me into his arms. "When you put it like that," he whispered. "Maybe we should start dating." He leaned in even further, his lips smiling against him.

He leaned into my neck, slowly trailing kisses down my neck, then up again to my jawline.

I moaned, my hands travelling to his neck.

What was I doing? I needed to think straight.

I regained my senses, pushing away from Tristan and taking a step back. "No, I will not let you trick me into anything with your charm." I held my hand out between us.

"I wouldn't do anything unless you wanted me to," He stepped forward, closing the gap between us.

I took another step back, glaring at him not to make another move. I didn't trust myself around him.

I wasn't scared of my mother's reaction. She could think whatever she wanted to. It was letting him in even further that scared me. I have grown attached to him. Letting him go would feel even harder if my family felt attached to him too. This lie was starting to feel a little bit more real every day. It was easier this way.

I'd have to tell him the truth a lot sooner. I couldn't keep postponing this.

Tristan sighed defeated. "Fine," He whispered. "At least let me drop you off at home." He suggested.

I couldn't say no to that. It was getting late.

I nodded with a smile.

I finally relaxed, letting my guard down.

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