Chapter 16: His way of paying me back

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Ashley's POV

First thing at work, I dropped my bag off at my locker and wore my uniform. I didn't see Ivy this morning because she was taking a later shift.

All of my problems sorted themselves out easier than I could have anticipated. Guess all I had to do was to come out with the truth.

I felt free. There were no more lies. This felt like a second chance. Despite my fears, things didn't turn out as badly. I wasn't about to do anything to mess things up this time.

I smiled as I stepped into the elevator to Tristan's penthouse.

He was standing in the hall, reading a newspaper with a cup of coffee in hand.

"Morning sir," I greeted getting his attention.

He looked at me for a second as if deciding on a reaction. It was almost as if he wasn't expecting me to be this happy.

"You are late," Tristan stated. He returned his attention to the newspaper.

My watch read five-past eight.

I arrived here before eight and managed to clock in. However, with the time it took for me to get here, it was already past eight, but that wasn't the point. At least I still had a job.

"It won't happen again," I replied with a smile.

He stopped me as I walked past him to begin my task.

"I will be working from here for a while. I have some business to attend to. Let me remind you that I expect nothing but exceptional work from my employees." He spoke.

"Okay, take note." He continued. "From now on you'll have to start work at six. By six thirty I expect to have my breakfast ready. Depending on my mood, you'll either have to cook or ask the chef to prepare something. At ten, I have my smoothie Strawberry, banana, blueberry, mango, orange, raspberry, and a mango pineapple smoothie, specifically in that order throughout the week." He stated.

I replayed every one of his words in my head, trying to recall everything.

"You're not taking anything down," he said.

"I have a good memory," I answered.

"At two it's lunchtime. You'll also have to work on some weekends too. Of course, with all this, you are still expected to perform your day-to-day tasks." He continued.

I had started my day full of enthusiasm but now I was completely drained before I even started work. I don't think he was going to be any easier to deal with than guests like Madison. For a second, I thought he had let me off easily but now I know he was just plotting his revenge.

I wasn't brave enough to ask but I sure hope these newly added responsibilities and extra working hours come with a great paycheck.

"Get me another coffee, double espresso." He instructed handing me his cup.

"I don't think it's healthy for you to be drinking so much coffee," I commented staring at the cup.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" He asked.

He pointed at the cup and then in the direction of the kitchen before waving me off.

At least I know it won't be my fault if he ends up in the hospital from a high caffeine intake.

I made the coffee and placed it on his desk where he was now working. I was quick to leave the room before he got any ideas of giving me more work.

I must have spent nearly two hours cleaning the bedroom, from vacuuming the place to changing the bed linens to scrubbing the toilet and the bathtub.

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