Chapter 23: The secret Cinderella

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Ashley's POV

I groaned in bed as the sun beams spread through my curtains. I can't remember when last I slept for this long.

I heard the sound of my doorknob turning. I opened one eye to see my sister walking in. Without any warning, she ran towards me, landing directly on my stomach.

"What is wrong with you?" I yelled pushing her off.

"I just wanted to show my sister how much I love her," she answered settling herself right next to me.

"Then love me less," I groaned in pain. "Aren't you supposed to be at school by now?" I asked sitting up straight. Katy was already fully dressed in a school uniform.

"I'm starting at my new school today. My driver is coming to pick me up," she answered. "It still sounds weird that I'm saying it. I thought it was only a rich people thing to say." she rambled.

She hopped off my bed, standing right beside me. "Too bad you are not pregnant, the two of you would have made gorgeous babies. All they would have to do is look one hundred percent like Tristan."

"Just get out," I snapped throwing a pillow at her. She quickly doughed it.

"Fine, I'll go." She whined.

Katy had already disturbed me from my sleep. I pushed my blankets off of me, and placed my feet off the bed and slipped into my morning shoes.

I walked out of my room, rubbing my eyes as I made my way to the bathroom.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for work?" mom asked as I bumped into her in the hallway.

"I have a day off," I lied.

"Your boss must be very generous with you these days," mom answered crossing her hands over each other. I could tell she was suspicious.

"Mom, did Ashley also tell you that she got a promotion at work?" Katy asked enthusiastically as she walked into the hallway.

She couldn't have said this at a more inconvenient time. Mom was already suspicious.

Mom's expression changed to a happier one. "Congratulations, honey," she said, pulling me into a hug. "How did this happen?" she asked.

"Well, the manager was really happy with my work. He also happened to need an assistant, so he promoted me." I lied. I had already figured out what I was going to say.

"Well, do you think we should invite your boss over for dinner? You know, just to thank him. I could even bake him a cake for you to take to work tomorrow." She suggested.

"There will be no need for that," I answered hoping mom would get the idea out of her head.

I didn't want my mom to meet Tristan. It would be awkward if I invited Marcus and he claims to have no idea why I was even promoted. As for Tristan taking the cake, I've never seen him eat a meal that isn't higher than my paycheck so I'm not sure he would accept it.

"Of course, we should." Mom insisted. "You know what, I'll stop by tomorrow where you work and make sure that I invite your boss myself." She continued. She didn't seem like she was getting the idea out of her head.

"No mom," I looked at her with pleading eyes. "Besides, my boss is a very busy man. I doubt he would want to come to this neighbourhood." I tried to reason.

"Well, you'll never know unless we try." She insisted. "I think I'll go and invite him today. I'll make my delicious lasagna tonight." She continued.

It seemed like all my lies were about to blow up in my face. I was already pretending to be sick today. For Marcus or Tristan to find out that I had been lying would be disastrous.

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