Chapter 29: The other Montenegro

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Ashley's POV

I nearly choked on air as I continued to stare at his hand.

His last name sounded too familiar, heck his face was familiar too. Had I seen him before in some magazine or something?

Could it be a coincidence? What were the chances that he was related to Tristan? But knowing Layla, this was all planned out.

"Montenegro?" I asked, gathering my thoughts to speak.

"Yes," he answered with a smile.

At this point, he must have thought I was a lunatic by how I kept staring at him.

With a face like that, was he used to women staring at him?

He gave himself the invitation to sit in the chair opposite mine as I remained dumbfounded.

I felt my legs quiver under the table. I turned to look at the menu as I tried to conceal my hands which were now also shaking. Avoiding eye contact was my best bet, that way this situation wouldn't be any more awkward.

The questions piling up in my brain wouldn't let me stay in silence. I still had no idea why he was here.

"Do you happen to be related to Tristan?" I asked, finally tearing my eyes away from the menu.

"As it so happens, he is my cousin." He answered.

I mouthed an 'Oh'. That helped clear up some doubts. He was related to Tristan which meant he knew Layla who was the reason both of us were here. I should have known she would try to pull something.

Now that I think about it, I don't know why the thought hadn't registered. Tristan and Vincent shared some similar facial features. They both had the same effect on people when they smiled. However, it still wasn't enough to automatically tell they were related.

"Of course, I happen to be the good-looking one in the family." He added.

"Is everyone in your family this arrogant?" I chuckled. I remembered Tristan saying something similar.

"No, we just took our classes on self-esteem very seriously." He answered with a poker face. I couldn't tell whether he was joking or not.

I chose to chuckle, returning my eyes to the menu. I still couldn't keep my legs from trembling.

Staring at the menu, I pretended like it was the most interesting thing I had ever seen. Nothing could cure the amount of awkwardness I felt in this situation.

"Why are you here?" I finally asked the most important question.

"You want to get rid of me already?" He asked. He must have been a skilled actor because he almost looked hurt.

"I'm just curious," I answered.

"I was..."

He was interrupted when a waiter walked in to take both our orders.

Despite staring at the menu for so long, I still had no idea what I wanted to eat.

Vincent took the lead as he ordered some chicken wraps for the two of us.

I took a sip of the water the waiter left on the table, waiting for him to explain why he was here.

"Okay look," he sighed. "I just received a text from my aunt with a date and time. She gave a long confusing explanation followed by a threat, so here I am." He answered.

That, I could believe.

I folded my arms on the table as I continued to stare at him. "So, you just agreed to come?" I asked.

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