Chapter 45: The truth can hurt

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Ashley's POV

Before the evening started out, I thought the worst disaster would be getting caught and Tristan finding out about everything. I didn't think we would be sitting in this awkward silence with my mother and Layla sending each other looks from across the table.

Even the food became difficult to swallow and I tried to think of things to say to break the tension.

"So, the weather outside seems great," I said, clearing my throat. "I thought it would surely snow today," I added.

The only response I got was the sound of forks beating against the plates, which got even louder.

"The weather can be unpredictable, can't it?" Tristan added awkwardly.

I noticed Katy lowering into her chair. If given the chance, I'm pretty sure she will find a way to escape.

Mom cleared her throat, loosening her grip on her fork. "Since I first met your son, I've been curious about the kind of people who raised him," Mom said. "Can you believe the first time I met him, he was sneaking around and dropping my daughter off at some corner like a common criminal? "Mom added.

Tristan's father coughed, nearly choking on his food.

Why was Mom bringing this up? I thought we had gone through this situation already.

Layla shot a look at Tristan, before returning to her calm expression. Of course, I had already told her

"I'm sure he must have had a reason otherwise he wouldn't have done what he did," she argued in his defence. "Besides, we raised him to be an honest, decent, and hard-working young man. He has always done so well. You wouldn't believe the number of medals he won in high school. We didn't have anywhere to put them." She added.

Why did it feel like I was trapped in a parents' meeting?

Mom chuckled. "Too bad medals can't teach a child manners," Mom remarked.

"Mom," I whispered to her in a warning tone. She was taking this too far, she needed to be stopped.

By the look on Mom's face, it didn't seem like she would stop anytime soon. She was determined to win this one.

"Ashley," Katy turned towards me. "Weren't you sneaking out in the middle of the night so you could go to a party?" she asked.

Of all the times I considered digging a grave for my sister, I have never been more desperate to find a shovel than I did right now. Of all the times she could have brought this up.

Mom's eyes widened as she stared at me with a murderous glare. After all these years she still hadn't found out. I thought giving Katy all my candy during that year's Halloween was an incentive enough to ensure this was never spoken about again.

I shot Katy a look, which surprisingly worked in silencing her.

And of course, Layla usedthis as an opportunity to brag about whata great mother she was. "Tristan would never have done anything like that. He was too busy being one of the most successful businessmen in the hotel industry." Layla bragged. "I will always be proud of him," Layla added.

"It's easy for you to say since it wasn't your car that he crushed at fifteen." Tristan's dad remarked.

"You know, no child isperfect. "Layla answered shooting a look at her husband. "By eleven, he was smarter than most people his age." She continued.

"I used to skip classes too," Tristan added casually.

He really wasn't trying to help himself much.

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