Chapter 28: Someone in his league

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Ashley's POV

Drained, that was all I felt after I saw Madison and Tristan together on the news.

I still couldn't wrap my head around it. How had this even happened? As far as I knew, Tristan had shown no less interest in her and now, they were suddenly engaged.

All kinds of speculations were spreading around that Madison had been the one with Tristan in those pictures that are actually of Tristan and me. It didn't help that Madison and I have a similar hair colour and that none of the photographers had any pictures with my face in them.

Even today on Monday when I returned to work, the hotel was filled with paparazzi outside, all trying to get a scoop on Madison and Tristan's wedding.

Thank goodness for the security team. Otherwise, none of the staff would have been able to get inside the hotel today.

I never expected Madison to be this smart. In just a few days, she had managed to undo everything Layla and I had done. She knows how to work fast and get exactly what she wants.

Maybe I should take some inspiration from her.

I haven't spoken to Tristan either. I tried to call him hoping that I'd get some kind of explanation, but he never answered. I'm guessing here must have been busy trying to deal with this whole scandal, the future of this hotel was depending on it.

But, as much as I wanted to dwell on everything, I needed to get back to reality. I still had a job to do.

A client had organized to have a dinner party at the hotel, and as far as I knew, nearly two hundred guests would be arriving. Marcus ordered me to make sure that all the decorations and preparations for the event were ready. He even made a list so I wouldn't forget anything. With the recent blow that the hotel suffered, Marcus has been very cooped up.

Seeing as today we were a little short of staff and the company we hired to help with the event had cancelled on us last minute, my job for the day wasn't just walking around and making sure everyone was doing what they were told. I volunteered to help out. Lifting boxes and getting the new sets of cutlery from the storage room, seeing that what we had wasn't going to be nearly enough for the event.

Next, I helped set the tables, placing the tablecloths and every other decoration needed for the table. Just lifting the vases alone that were placed on each table was bone-breaking work, never mind all the other work that needed to be done on each table. With the way I've been slacking lately, I figured it was time I pulled in some work.

Rubbing my forehead with the back of my hand from exhaustion, I dragged my feet toward the bathroom. I needed a break.

I opened the tap to rinse my face, hoping that it would help me feel refreshed.

I heard footsteps and giggles in the hallway. I looked up. Minutes later, Sandra, Maggie and Erin walked into the bathroom. All three of them were housekeepers.

Sandra leaned on the wall, right next to the roll of basins where I had just finished rinsing my face. She looked at me, a smile on her face with her arms folded. It was almost as if she was studying me.

I smiled at her in return as I continued to rinse my face.

"So," Sandra began. She relaxed her arm. The smile on her face had now disappeared. "I see you have finally decided to work today," she commented.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused. I grabbed a paper towel to dry my hands.

"Come on, we've seen how you've been acting lately. It's like you've decided that you are too good to be working or something. Do you think you are too pretty to lift a broom like the rest of us?" Sandra continued.

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