Chapter 15: Truth be told

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Ashley's POV

I couldn't shake off the sick feeling in my stomach. I knew that something was going to happen today. Today was the day I tell Tristan the truth.

"Are you sure you really want to do this?" Ivy whispered.

I placed my bag in my locker.

"Yes," I answered. "I don't want to keep lying anymore." I closed my locker.

"I hope he never shows up, the same way he never showed up yesterday." She sighed.

Ivy pressed her back against her locker and started scrolling through her Instagram feed. She must have realized that I was a hopeless case by now.

As luck would have it, Marcus walked into the room. I swear this guy is following me.

"What are you two still standing around for? You have a job to do." Marcus yelled.

Ivy sighed as we both walked out of the room to return to our posts.

Yesterday, Marcus had made it official that I would be the one to clean Tristan's penthouse since he would be staying here a lot more often. Of all people, he just had to choose me. I still have other rooms to clean so if anything, I now have more work to do.

From what I heard from the security guards, Tristan wasn't here which meant I could clean in peace for a few hours before I was officially fired.

I took the elevator to his penthouse along with my cleaning detergents.

I stepped into his penthouse. It felt so quiet and peaceful.

"How are you feeling today?" A voice caught my attention.

I turned around to find Tristan with his back leaning against the wall. I hadn't even seen him there.

"I'm fine," I answered reluctantly. I was still trying to catch my breath.

"I'm glad you came here today," he said.

He approached me and grabbed my arm, causing me to drop the detergents I had been holding. He took my arm, guiding me further into the house.

"You know what? How about we start preparing the baby's room right here? It would be great, wouldn't it?" He paused. We stopped in the passage.

Without waiting for me to speak, he answered his question. "You know what, you are right. This place is way too small. How about we buy a new house instead? You can live there if you want, that way we can both look after our little pumpkin." He spoke.

He reached for his hand to touch my belly, but I quickly moved away.

I didn't know that my problem was this serious. He was already thinking about buying a house?

"There is something I need to talk to you about," I paused. It was best I ripped off the band-aid before this progressed any further.

"I know, but I have something more important." He cut me off. "I was thinking, I think you should just quit your job. This is not an appropriate environment for you considering you probably have to be on your feet the whole day." He spoke.

I stared at him dumbfounded.

"You know, it's probably not going to look right once people find out that you are pregnant and considering that you work here." He spoke.

I gripped his arm trying to stop him. I needed to tell him the truth before I changed my mind.

"I need to talk to you." I paused.

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