Chapter 20: A decision to make

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Ashley's POV

I froze on the spot as I stared at Tristan's mother.

What did she mean by 'undo all my handy work'?

Was she the one who planned all this?

Breaking the silence, she was the first one to speak. "When we met last time, we didn't get the chance to introduce ourselves. I'm Tristan's mother, Layla. You must be Ashley," she introduced herself.

I nodded trying to master a smile. The anxiety was getting to me.

I had a million questions running through my mind. Why was she here and what did she want from me? Did she find out about the baby? And what would she do about it? So many unanswered questions.

"I think it's fair enough to say that I owe you an explanation." She continued.

She gestured for me to take a seat.

It took me a while to react in my state of shock.

We sat on a couch in the living room, facing each other.

"Should I order anything for us to drink? My driver is right outside." She offered.

I shook my head no.

She crossed her legs over each other and then cleared her throat before speaking.

"I must say, I was quite intrigued when I heard about your little pregnancy story," she began.

My eyes widened.

Did she know about that? That explained why I was here.

This was probably another rich lady's 'stay away from my son' talk.

"I didn't..."

She raised her arm to stop me from continuing further.

"Well, it turned out to have been the best thing that could have happened to me." She said with a more relaxed tone.

She let out a laugh.

I stared at my feet, unsure how I should respond.

So, she wasn't planning to cut me into pieces for lying to her son?

"I don't judge you for any of what you did. She spoke. "Instead, I want to help you continue," she said.

She pressed her hand onto the couch, leaning to the side.

"What?" I found myself whispering.

"I'll help you with it. I already had to work through a lot to make sure that everything worked out perfectly. Sure, I might have done some things in an extreme way, but it was all for a good cause." She spoke.

"What plan are you talking about?" I asked.

"Who do you think paid that doctor to say that you were pregnant?" she asked.

I should have known. Everything was just too suspicious. It only takes someone well-connected and probably a mad genius to execute such a plan.

"I might have taken it a bit too far when I asked the chef to spike your drink, but I had to make the whole thing believable. That way Tristan wouldn't suspect anything. I know..." she continued.

Wait, she did what?

"You spiked my drink?" I interrupted her.

She raised both her hands to surrender.

"Bear with me, I only did it so you could end up in the hospital. It was only a little bit, so you could fall asleep. No harm at all." She answered.

I can't believe this was how she justified herself.

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