Chapter 2 -- No Turning Back

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Lola's P.O.V.

My legs were anxiously shaking and my feet were tapping the ground. My mom put her hands on my legs to calm me down but it didn’t work. Suddenly, the woman worker who had brought me backstage earlier was calling for me.

“Miss Evans?” the young woman asked.

“Yes?” I asked and stood up,

“The judges are ready for you.” she said with a big smile.

I got up and my mom hugged me tightly. She then grabbed my cheeks and studied my eyes.

“Don’t worry. You’re going to do great.” she reassured me.

I hugged her tightly and then followed the young worker up to the stairs.

I let out a deep breath and walked up the black steps. Some guy handed me a mic and told me to head out. I slowly walked out and found myself in the middle of the stage. I couldn’t believe how many people there were. I then stood in the middle of the stage and all the judges stared at me. 

“Hello.” L.A said.

“Hi.” I replied quietly.

“What’s your name and how are you sweetheart?” he asked.

“My name is Lola Evans and good, but a little nervous.” I admitted. Shit why did I just say that out loud.

“Well that’s alright. What song are you going to sing for us today?” he asked.

“I’m going to be singing an acoustic version of Titanium.” I smiled.

“Awesome song, good luck darling.” Simon butted in.

I cleared my throat and waited for the music to play.

“I’m bullet proof. Nothing to lose. Fire away, fire away. You ricochet, you take your aim. Fire away, fire away. You shoot me down but I won’t fall. I am titanium! You shoot me down but I won’t fall. I am titanium!” I sang.

The music stopped and all four judges applauded for me. I was completely shocked to see Simon standing up.

“Thank you.” I giggled into the mic.

“You’re amazing doll.” Steven said. “Beautiful voice you have.”

“Thank you so much.” I smiled.

“Unbelievable. How old are you?” Jennifer asked.

“I’m 17, almost 18.” I responded.

“Incredible.” she said.

“Good job sweetheart. Your voice is perfection.” L.A said

“I agree with L.A. There is something about you that is just lovable and anybody would be willing to sign you.” Simon said.

“Thank you so much.” I said as the tears filled my eyes.

I watched as the four judges looked at each other and whispered amongst themselves.

“Well sweetheart, congratulations. You have four yeses.” Simon said.

“Oh my goodness. Thank you so much.” I said with tears now flowing down my cheeks.

“See you later.” Jennifer said.

I instantly ran off the stage and down the stairs to my family.

My mom caught me and hugged me tightly, and the twins wrapped their arms around me and hugged me tight. Lance even came over and kissed me. I couldn’t believe I actually did it. 

Through out the next couple of weeks I went through bootcamp and it was one of the most challenging things. I made it through and was put into the teens category. I met some pretty awesome people in the competition and I became close with people in my group. Jennifer Lopez was our mentor and we had to perform a song in front of her. I chose the song Dark Paraside by Lana Del Rey and I was pretty confident with my performance. Luckily the song paid off and Jennifer had chose me to be in her group permanently. I went through every week, pouring my heart out on the stage and it always paid off. The judges told me every week that I was getting better and better. I was never in the bottom two which was a very good sign. When it was down to the final three, it was the most stressful time ever. Before my performance, Finn had surprised me and showed up. I couldn’t believe he actually came to see me. It was the greatest surprise ever. Anyways back to my performance, I got to perform a song with Cher Lloyd who is one of my biggest idols. We sang her song With Ur Love and then I performed Total Eclipse of the Heart by myself as my very final performance. It was down to myself, the group Summer’s Night, and a younger guy and his name was Michael Adams. We were all close, especially because we were close in age. Summer’s Night consisted of 4 sisters. They were all around my age. Two younger then me, one my age, and one older than me. Michael was 22 and he was really cool. I remember my heart beating faster and faster as the places were announced.

“In third place, we have..... Summer’s Night.” Mario announced.

I could tell the girls were disappointed and I hugged them tightly. It was down to Michael and I. He instantly took my hand and pulled me close. 

“And now. Coming in first place is....... Lola Evans!” Mario announced.

My heart sank, not because I lost, but because I couldn’t believe my dream had just come true. Michael hugged me and was then led off stage. Jennifer came over and gave me a huge hug. Mario and Khloe then congratulated me and I just stared out into the crowd as they all cheered for me. I couldn’t believe that America had voted for me as winner of the X-factor and I had fans out there. I especially couldn’t believe that I was going to be recording my own album.

***P.S In the video on the side, Brittany Snow's voice is what Lola sounds like.

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