Chapter 32 -- What Love Is All About

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Finn's P.O.V.

"Lola! Lola! Talk to me!" I screamed.

The nurse and doctor came running in and then my parents and Zayn.

"Sir you need to wait outside." the nurse said while pushing me out.

"Why can't I be in here?! She's my sister! This guy isn't even related to her!" 

"I'm sorry but you need to step out sir."

The nurse pushed me out into the hallway and I was left with these pretty boys.

"So much for you boys protecting my sister."

"As least we tried. You can't even say you tried." Louis said.

"Ya at least we were there for her unlike you." Harry added.

"You asshole." I screamed and jumped at him.

I tackled him to the ground and then began to attack him, but before I could hit him, someone was pulling me off of him. I looked up and saw my dad holding on to me.

"Let me go dad."

"No. I'm not going to let you beat the crap out of Harry just because he spoke the truth."

"You're actually agreeing with this dumb ass?"

"Well he's right. You were never there for Lola. These boys are with her everyday."

Tears filled my eyes as I stormed down the hall.

"Don't worry lads. He'll be fine." I heard from a distance.

Lola's P.O.V.

After my incident, Zayn and my parents agreed that Finn should stay away from me for now. Zayn was now with me again and he was laying his head on my chest and holding on to me. I stroked his hair as we lay together. Around 9 p.m the doctor told me that I needed to stay one more night for caution and she said I could have one guest stay with me.

"Mom, dad, is it okay if Zayn stays with me?"

They looked at each other and then nodded.

"Bye sweetie, we'll see you in the morning." my mom said and kissed my head.

"Bye baby girl. We'll pick you up in the morning." my dad said and took my moms hand. Emma, Justin, Mads, and Vera all said goodbye and headed home with my parents. Then Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam all said goodbye and headed back to their loft.

The nurse brought in a pillow and blanket for Zayn to use while he slept on the couch but we both knew he wasn't going to be sleeping there. After the nurse left and said she would be back in the morning, Zayn took his shirt off and slipped his pants off so he was left in his boxers and crawled in bed next to me.

I placed my head on his bare chest and he hummed the tune of Last First Kiss to me.

"Thanks for staying with me." He kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer.

"There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be." he smiled.

"Wow Zayn, quoting one of your own X-factor songs?" I laughed.

"Well its true. I would never want to be anywhere else but with you." he said and stroked my cheek.

I buried my face into his chest and giggled. 

"You make me so happy." I laughed.

"I love you so much Lola."

"I love you too Zayn."

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