Chapter 60 -- A Bundle Of Joy

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Lola's P.O.V.

It's been about 9 months since Zayn and I found out we were gonna be parents and I'm ready to pop any day now. The boys were beyond excited when they found out and my family was so excited and so was Zayn's. Zayn and I were sitting in the living room, watching a movie when I felt a strong kick.

"Zayn, quick, put your hand on my belly." I said while grabbing his hand. He stroked his hand over my belly and I knew he felt the movement too by the way his face lit up.

"That's our little one." he smiled and kissed me. "I love you Lola."

"And I love you Zayn. To infinity and beyond." I smiled.

A couple hours later, Zayn and I cooked dinner and then we put our pajamas on and climbed into bed. Around 3 in the morning I woke up to a strange feeling. I jolted straight up from my bed and realized that I had peed my pants. A sharp pain then shot through my body and I soon realized that I did not pee my pants.

"Zayn!" I hollered, trying to wake him up.

"What's wrong?!" he screamed and shot up.

"My water just broke!" I screamed.

"It did?! Okay let's calm down. Just breath. I'll grab the bag and call your mum!" he said while trying to reasure me. I watched as he put his trousers on and slipped a shirt on too. He then walked back to me and kissed me lightly.

"Our little one is gonna be here soon." he said and squeezed my hand. I smiled at him and kissed him passionately.

"Okay, enough kissing, go call my mom please!" I screamed.

Zayn rushed down the stairs to the kitchen and I just sat in my bed, laying in pain.

Zayn instantly called my mom and she said she would meet us at the hospital and then we called the boys and they said they would be there too and we rushed out the door. We rushed to the car and instantly got in and within 10 minutes we made it to the hospital. He helped me walk in and once inside he instantly started shouting.

"My wife is in labor! Can someone help please!" he screamed.

"Sorry sir, you're gonna have to wait." a nurse said.

"Do you realize who we are? I'm Zayn Malik and this is Lola Evans? I specifically rented a private room and doctor for my wife when she goes into labor." he said.

"Oh yes. Sorry. Right this way." the nurse said. We hated having to use our fame as advantage but in this case we really needed too.

After couple hours of hard labor, it was finally time to push and the baby would be here any minute.

"Zayn, please give me your hand." I said.

"Come on Lola, just a couple more pushes." my mom said.

"Mom, I'm so tired. I can't." I cried.

"Come on sweetie. Your little one is dying to meet you." she said.

I squeezed Zayn's hand and pushed as hard as I could. Zayn pushed my hair back and kissed my forehead.

"That's it Lola. He/she is almost here." the doctor said.

"Zayn, I'm tired." I said and all my emotions just flooded out and I started bawling because I was so tired.

"Come on sweetie. You can do it, I'm right here. You know I would take the pain away if I could." he said. He then brushed my hair back again and kissed my forehead. Then he wiped my tears and grasped my hand.

With one last push, I finally heard the cries of my little one. The doctor grabbed him/her and wrapped him/her up in a cute blanket and slipped a hat on his/her head.

"Meet your new little girl." the doctor said while handing her to me.

Tears flowed down my cheeks and Zayn kissed me softly.

"Cecilia Rose Malik." I smiled.

"Can you believe we made this beautiful girl?" Zayn said. "She looks just like you Lo."

I smiled at him and then looked back down at my baby girl and sighed in contentment. 

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