003: Ex Friend.

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Sunwoo spent the whole next day alone in his new apartment, avoiding everyone to focus on solely on watching Netflix

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Sunwoo spent the whole next day alone in his new apartment, avoiding everyone to focus on solely on watching Netflix. It was a perfect way of getting used to the house before throwing house warming party he had planned for the next day.

He bought decorations that he put up sloppily, realizing nobody would pay attention to them once they got drunk anyways. Different types of alcohol were put on the dining table with red cups right next to them while plates filled with snacks accompanied the empty spaces on the furniture. Music blasted through the speakers loud enough for neighbors to know the party was about to start — which he politely let them know about beforehand. Well, except for one neighbor — the one he saw briefly two days ago. It seemed that she wasn't home all day.

Sunwoo wasn't much of an extrovert so he didn't know nor invited a lot of friends. He trusted them to bring whoever they wanted so the party wouldn't suck. While sipping on his cold beer, he heard the first doorbell. Wiping his lips from the drink, he walked over to welcome his first guest.

"Eric!" He immediately wrapped his arms around one of his closest friends. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!"

"It's kind of been ages!" Eric hugged Sunwoo even tighter. "How are you, man? Oh shit, this place is actually pretty nice." His eyes widened as he looked around while walking towards the kitchen.

Sunwoo handed his friend a beer bottle and they clinked them together while chitchatting for awhile but suddenly the dark haired boy noticed the other's distressed face expression. "What's with you?"

Eric scratched the back of his head. "Please, don't be mad."

Sunwoo stared at him with questioning eyes.

"I invited Younghoon."

Sunwoo's hand dropped, making him spill a bit of his beer. "Why, dude?"

"You guys have to finally make up!" He walked over and wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulders.

"And you think a party is supposed to help with that?"

"I don't see why not. We tried different things too and you two are still so stubborn."

"Maybe that means some people aren't meant to be friends."

"Don't bullshit me. You were so close before and I know you can be again. You are just both too wrapped up in your own who's-right and who's-wrong that you don't see that both of you messed up."

As Sunwoo opened his mouth to try and argue, another doorbell interrupted their conversation. He sighed and walked over to greet Jacob who brought few close friends that Sunwoo had nothing against being there.

All of them talked and laughed while drinking their alcoholic picks and listening to the music that still wasn't too loud to have any neighbors complain.

Another doorbell. Sunwoo glanced at Eric and rolled his eyes when he realized the only guest left was Younghoon and whoever he decided to bring. The younger boy nudged his head towards the entrance and Sunwoo, even though unhappily, went to welcome his old friend.

His eyes grew big as he looked at Younghoon with two girls by his side that, surprisingly, weren't strangers to him.

"Hey, bro." Younghoon smiled with his pearly whites as he shoved a bottle of whiskey into Sunwoo's hands.

He didn't even mean to ignore Younghoon, but the person that stood next to him completely stole his attention. Sunwoo furrowed his brows and stared at the girl confused, after what he glanced at the other one — she looked familiar as well.

Younghoon looked at the three of them back and forth. "What is with you all?"

"What, um- What are you doing here?" Sunwoo pointed to Suzy and smiled awkwardly.

"I don't- I mean, I didn't-" She looked at Younghoon and Heemin. "I didn't know it was your party."

"Wait, you're the new neighbor?" Heemin widened her eyes.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

The long black haired girl gasped. "Oh shit! I live right over there!" She pointed to the apartment in front of Sunwoo's and then it all clicked.
The boy's mouth fell agape as he nodded, connecting the dots. "So, you know these girls?"

"Duh? Why else would I bring them?" Younghoon scoffed and walked past Sunwoo who immediately clenched his jaw and scoffed as well, already getting annoyed by the other's attitude.

"Come on in." He smiled to the girls and waved his hand towards the inside of his apartment.

Suzy walked in shyly meanwhile Heemin got even more excited. If she got too drunk, her apartment was right there. It just couldn't be better.

Sunwoo locked the door behind him and took a deep breath. "Fuck me." He mumbled under his breath, taking a sip of his beer.

why do you think the two guys hate each other? i'm curious to see ur theories 🤭

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why do you think the two guys hate each other? i'm curious to see ur theories 🤭

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