029: Long Overdue.

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The party has been going great, everyone was laughing, talking, drinking and even challenging each other to dance battles

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The party has been going great, everyone was laughing, talking, drinking and even challenging each other to dance battles. When Eric challenged Sunwoo, he didn't hesitate even for a second and walked inside the circle.

Suzy gasped and widened her eyes, not believing what she was witnessing. Sunwoo's body control and movements were insanely good, she had no idea he could dance at all, especially to be that amazing at it. She then looked at Eric who also danced so well and a gasp escaped her lips again when she met eyes with Heemin who also looked shocked.

Younghoon suddenly jumped into the circle as well and danced like a robot, making everyone laugh - even Sunwoo.

The atmosphere was as good as it could get and a fight didn't cross anyone's mind. They continued laughing a lot that their cheeks hurt and chitchatted on many topics.

Sunwoo sat on the couch, exhausted, just watching his guests having fun when suddenly someone sat down abruptly next to him, catching his attention.

"Are you having fun?" Younghoon asked and Sunwoo nodded.

"It's a great party."

"Suzy did great, didn't she?"

Sunwoo nodded again. The atmosphere was a bit awkward but the conversation continued. "I'm sorry about everything."

Younghoon glanced at Sunwoo, a bit surprised with the sudden apology. For awhile there he didn't know what to say. He sighed loudly and tilted his head back. "I'm sorry too. We were both being assholes."

"Huge assholes." Sunwoo chuckled and so did the other.

Suzy pulled Eric excitedly by his sleeve as he looked at her confused until she pointed to the two sitting on the couch together, giggling. "Am I seeing this right?!"

Eric titled his head back. "Finally!"

Heemin noticed the two going crazy over something so she walked over to them, bringing Jacob with her. "What's going on?" She then looked right at what the youngest was pointing and gasped.

The four of them couldn't hide their happiness which eventually Sunwoo and Younghoon noticed from their seats. "What the hell is wrong with them?" Younghoon pointed and the other chuckled.

"I think they've been waiting for this for so long."

"Looks like it." Younghoon glanced at the other and suddenly opened his arms for a hug. "Is it too soon for this?"

Sunwoo smiled and hugged him almost immediately. "Let's not let all of this bullshit happen again and let's be honest with each other from now on."

Younghoon nodded. "Agreed."

"And if you like a girl - tell me. I'm not a mind reader." Sunwoo laughed. "Though I don't think I'll ever look at other girls." He glanced at Suzy who was smiling from ear to ear at while looking at both of them.

Younghoon saw pure love written in Sunwoo's face expression and how his eyes sparkled a little when he was looking at Suzy. He still wasn't completely over her himself, but he was on a good path. "So, you think it's serious?"

Sunwoo nodded, smiling big.
He didn't think he wanted anything serious, but the truth was that he was just waiting for the perfect match, and that match turned out to show up sooner than he imagined.

The older boy acknowledged the seriousness of Sunwoo's feelings and accepted it right away, just like he eventually accepted Suzy's choice. The way she handled the whole situation - basically cheating on Younghoon, even though they weren't officially a couple - wasn't the best way to handle it all, but he understood that everyone made mistakes, especially when it came to love. He had too many good memories with her and knew that she was a really good person overall so getting her out of his life wasn't an option he liked thinking of. He wanted to give her another chance - same with Sunwoo.

"Do you mind if I talk with her?"

Sunwoo shook his head and encouraged the boy. It was like all this anger and hatred between the two was a made up illusion because none of them felt any of those emotions towards each other anymore.

Suzy gulped when she noticed Younghoon walking over to them, but his eyes were only locked on hers.

"Can we talk for a second?"

Everyone's eyes turned to the girl, but she only glanced at Sunwoo who gave her a thumbs up. She then looked at Heemin who was also smiling softly and nodding as a sign that it was alright.

The two went to find a quieter spot in the house. Suzy looked at him a little nervous but tried to smile and act cool. Of course he knew her too well not to know she was just faking that and was nervous instead so he stated. "You don't have to be nervous."

"I'm sorry for everything, Younghoon-ah." She blurted out, taking him off guard.

"Oh? I wasn't expecting that, but-"

"I'm really sorry and I know I already said that many times but I feel like I have to keep apologizing for eternity."

Younghoon laughed and grabbed her by the arms. "Calm down."

Suzy looked at him with puppy eyes and breathed in and out few times as he instructed her.

"You already apologized plenty and though I'm still a bit mad and things won't go back to how they used to be immediately, I already accepted everything that happened."

Suzy nodded, listening carefully.

"I just don't want to lose you, especially not as a friend."

A smile began to appear on her face upon hearing that and she suddenly jumped into Younghoon's arms, hugging him tight. He was caught off guard and fell back a little but chuckled right after and patted her back.

"I'll make it all up to you, I promise!" She stated and he nodded. "I'll go tell everyone!" She quickly ran away and made him laugh. That was exactly why he liked her - she was crazy, energetic, sweet, dorky and funny.

After telling everyone the good news, Suzy wrapped her arms around Sunwoo's neck and kissed him. He wrapped his hands around her back and squeezed her tight as they shared few more kisses, smiling in between them. "Someone's in an even better mood now."

Suzy nodded excitedly. "It feels like the best day ever. Doesn't it for you too?"

The boy glanced at Younghoon leaning over the wall. He raised his cup of beer to Sunwoo and they shared a smile which was a good sign. He turned back to Suzy, mumbling "it does" before kissing her again.

"How are you, bro?" Eric walked over to the tall boy.

"Better than I thought."

Eric smiled and clinked his cup with Younghoon's. "That's good." They took few sips, looking through the crowd. "So, are you going to be ok with everything?"

Younghoon smiled and locked his eyes on one person in the crowd. "I'll be ok." He smiled even bigger while looking at Heemin.

" He smiled even bigger while looking at Heemin

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they finally made up, long overdue dudes 😭

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