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The current reign of silence inside my room has never been deafening. Usually, when I'm all by myself, I play some loud ass music just so I wouldn't have this feeling that I'm all alone. However, having Xavier's unwanted presence here, I really thought I don't need to play anything but to add to my already existing disappointment, he's been quiet the entire time ever since I pulled him here. He was just sitting at the edge of my bed with his mouth tightly shut and for the most part, I was just sitting on my swivel chair pretending as if I'm doing something on my laptop. Billie was just displayed on one corner and the eyes the Xavier drew on her looked like she's been watching me the entire time.

"Okay, I'm going to have to throw the towel here." I began finally deciding to break the reign of silence myself. I said I don't want to start the conversation but I've ran out of patience. "You came here to apologize right?" Using my foot, I swiveled around to face Xavier. It's good that he came here to apologize for basically doing nothing but he shouldn't have to be probed about it.

"Uhm, yeah." He replied. "I'm really sorry for doing nothing earlier. It's just-"


"It's just that I froze in the moment. I wanted to step in, trust me, I really did want to smack the hell out of Nixon but I saw a lot of people watching and I got scared." Xavier continued.

I was right. Xavier got shit scared and I know I got scared in that moment too. If I hadn't held my own ground, Nixon would've easily owned me like he used to do way back when Xavier was on his side. I guess it's really a good thing that I toughened myself up in that moment for the first time in like forever. It felt good to know that I could really do it. I guess in a subtle way, Xavier inadvertently forced me to be the tough bitch that I was a while ago. I don't have to be thankful about it though.

"You got scared?"

"Yeah... I know, I fucked up." He snapped making it seem like it's fault when it's really nobody's fault. Nixon was really a flat ass bully and Xavier's on his way to out of that world. "A lot of people were watching and I didn't want to make the situation even more complicated. I really like you Jordi, I really do and it's weird because I have never liked a guy before." Xavier went on and I felt like I'm about to blush. I'm really simping for him right now when I clearly should be upset for what happened. I should be pissed and angry and enraged that he just stood there and watched his friends. I don't really know why I'm just getting softer and softer like a melting ice cream every time Xavier speaks like this. "There's just a lot of things that I'm really scared about. I don't want you to think that I just watched you get bullied because I was really not." Xavier added and I know he was pretty much serious about this. In a way, I do get what he was trying to say. This is all new to him and he's scared that people would judge him.

"Yeah, I get it. Whatever." I trailed off wanting to put an end to the conversation. "At least, I stood up for myself and honestly, it felt really really good."

"Great, that's great." Xavier babbled out. "I also came here because I forgot to give you this little thing that I made for you." He got up and handed me a piece of folded paper from his pocket.

"What is this?" I believe it was a piece from his notebook. "If this was a silly letter of apology or whatever, I'm not into it." I noted because I'm not really fond of those cheesy letters. If we were living in the 50's or even 60's, I'm probably okay with it but we're in the twenty-first century now.

When I unfolded it, I was in absolute awe to see my own face skillfully sketched using a pencil. The gayest Jordi hidden inside of me was spontaneously thrown in a universe of overwhelming ecstasy.

"I got bored and I have been thinking about you lately so I decided to sketch your face during class." Xavier's really making me swoon right now and I would do whatever the fuck I can to calm my tits.

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