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"X-xavier?" Nikki was taken by a huge surprise just as she recognized the guy inside the yellow sports car.

"Oh my god, it's Xavier." Jane whispered behind my ears but I was already having a lot of mixed emotions swirling up inside of me.

My heart began to beat twice as fast and I don't know if I was ready to see Xavier just as early as now. It's true that I missed him so badly and I don't even want to admit that to myself because I'm trying to get past him. Apparently, I have a long way to go now that I saw him today. I feel like I'm about to throw up but I also feel like I'm about to pass out at the very same time.

Xavier looked amazingly different and that was the part of me who's still hoping that we could fix this speaking on my behalf. He dyed his hair black and he looked bizarrely different but still hot as ever. I felt a slight pang on my chest and it seemed that my tongue got cut off.

"I'm sorry, Nikki." Xavier uttered.

"Oh, shit. You dyed your hair black?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah, new year, new me." Xavier replied with such confidence before eventually switching his focus on Jane. "Hey, Jane. How are you doing?"

"Hi, Xavier. I feel great. You look very different." Jane replied.

"We all look different." Xavier breathed out. "See you later, ladies." Xavier then drove away leaving me at such a state of shock and heartbreak.

He did not even talk to me as if he does not know who I am. He clearly knew who I am from the fact that he avoided my presence. Xavier just acted as if I don't even exist in this realm when I was obviously standing here right beside Jane and Nikki. I don't even look that much different for him not to recognize me.

I froze on my spot thinking if I should just breakdown and cry. That was a cold ass treatment coming from Xavier. I was expecting him to act like that except that I did not anticipate how much anguish it could impart towards me. This is just the first day after the break and I'm already feeling so fucking crestfallen that I don't even know if I should continue through the day.

"Did he just ignored you?" Jane muttered stating what I already observed.

"Let's just walk." I replied trying my best to be strong even though I'm falling apart from the inside.

Jane, Nikki and I began walking and just as we got to our usual hanging spot, Lala suddenly showed up. Thankfully, Lala appeared to be the same Lala that we knew. She had the same ponytail on and the same style on. It's as if she never went on a break herself that she never even bothered herself to go to the salon or something like that.

"You all look different!" Lala began, her eyes were observing how each of us have changed and I might probably had the least and most underwhelming changes of the three of us.

"Yeah, new year, new us!" Jane chirped sounding just as proudly as ever. She looked happy about her new look.

"Of course, of course." Lala nodded but I know she doesn't really care about Jane's new bob cut and hair color and Nikki forty-inch weave. "Jordi, how are you holding up?"

"I'm doing well." I lied. I'm still trying to recover from Xavier blatantly ignoring my presence a while ago.

"Well, I came here to deliver a good news to all of you. I mean, mostly to Jordi." Lala smiled.

"What good news?" Nikki inquired.

"Actually it's two good news. Or I guess it depends on how you quantify it."

"So what is it then?" Nikki jabbered.

"Okay, last year I reported Michiko to Principal Sanders." Lala divulged revealing such news that I haven't even heard yet.

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