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It was the smell of alcohol evaporating from my body mixed with a banging headache that got me running towards the toilet when I woke up from going to that house party Nikki invited us into. I was throwing up so badly that I almost felt like I'm going to start barfing all of my insides. I was hugging the toilet bowl as if it was the only friend I have in this trying times.

I spent almost half an hour on the bathroom floor thinking I'm dying up until the moment my mom knocked on the door. I instantly felt good when I heard her screaming out my name. There seemed to be some sort of a healing power coming from her voice that made me stand up from hugging the toilet seat.

"Jordi, Are you okay in there, sweetie?"

"Yes, mom. I'm just throwing up, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I yelled back.

"Oh, I'm not worried about you, sweetie. I'm just knocking to remind you that you need to clean up your mess up in there. That's what you get for overdrinking. I told you to drink moderately and guess what, you drank like there's no tomorrow." She yelled back but I just ignored her.

I quickly took the coldest shower and it was somehow a good answer for what I'm currently feeling. I feel fresh even though I feel very much dehydrated as if I haven't tasted water in over a year.

I met my mom at the kitchen just a perfect timing for our brunch together. We both slept much long for two different reasons. She was out all night finishing her job so she doesn't have to work on holiday while I was out partying with Nikki and Jane.

"How was your night?" My mom asked just as she was preparing what she had cooked for the both of us.

"It was fun. I had fun with Nikki and Jane." I replied just giving her the answer that she needed. I feel like I don't need to elaborate what kind of fun I had last night.

"Who was that guy who drove you home last night?" My mom blurted out asking another question that's very much specific and I immediately know this is going to be a series of interview.

"Oh, that was Harold. I met him last night." I ended up telling her the truth. She's going to force it from me anyway. There's no point in trying to create a lie.

"Look at my boy, he's getting to know other people." My rubbed my head just before she went to get some silverwares. Instead of getting annoyed by her, I suddenly had a flash of memory. Xavier used to rub my head. I quickly shook the memory off of my head before I start feeling depressed.

"Yeah, he's really quite a nice guy. He's cute and was very much respectful." I don't know what is it that I find cute with Harold. It is true he's cute but he has a certain charisma within him that I find very much endearing.

"Oh, is that right?"

"Ahuh." I nodded. She handed me some spoon and fork perfect for the beef stew mixed with different sort of vegetables. "Mhmmm. This stew smells pretty good."

"Oh, yeah, definitely. That's good for your hangover. You need to eat it before it gets cold then you won't enjoy it." She uttered before eventually taking a huge scoop of soup and sipping it noisily.

"You seem to know things about hangover." I muttered just as I took a huge scoop of my own stew. The first scoop tasted so great and soothing because it was hot and flavorful that I felt it travel down to my stomach.

"Oh, sweetie. Don't act like you were born yesterday. Of course, I was once young and wild and free as you. I partied hard too, me and your dad."

"Thanks mom." I blurted out of the blue. I was just looking at my mom and she's really the best mother that I could ever have in this lifetime. I'm greatly thankful of the understanding relationship that we have even with my father. I used to be scared of speaking up but now, it seemed to me that it's okay to tell your parents the way you are actually feeling. I know she was very much concerned and restrictive towards me before but that's all because she cared so much about my welfare. This time, she's starting to realize that I'm not the very same sickly child anymore.

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