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When I inched my way to school the following, I saw many kids wearing most of their expensive attires, some are in colorful dresses, some are wearing their expensive sneakers and also, most of them are wearing their wide widest and most excited smile. It seemed to me that they couldn't wait for the day to be over and they'll be on their way to embark on their holiday adventures. Well, except for me. I'm not really excited because school's the only place where I know I could kill my time. The last day of school this year shouldn't be this hard. In fact, it should be the happiest day but I guess that's only for most people. I'm not most people.

The very same day, last year, I wasn't very much excited for the dawning of the holidays and that's mostly because I'm entirely aware of the fact that I'm going to spend the rest of those days selling stuff for Hector. Also, I know I'm going to spend the rest of those days running for my life whether away from our tiny apartment, or when cops are blowing their sirens off. I know I should be happy this day of the year because there's no Hector, my mom's safe at the rehab center and I'm living on my own. How fantastic life could be? The change was drastic but I'm slowly adjusting from it. However, the fact that my dad's going to pick me up some time later and the thought of spending the rest of the holidays without Jordi was very dreadful in each of their ways.

I'm scared to show up at my dad's house for my half-brother's birthday. I already know I'm not going to be received well mostly by the people that are going to be invited to the said party. I haven't even gotten over my dad unprecedentedly announcing to the entire member of the family that I'm getting all of his money. I know I don't have much of a choice but I guess I'm going to have to put on my congenial mask for a second go.

And then there was Jordi. The way I see things as of now, I'm still thoroughly engulfed in my own feelings and so far, nothing's changing the way I'm feeling. I'm sticking to my plan of ignoring him and trying to find myself wherever I lover. However, with that being put out there, there's no denying the fact that I'm also imagining things would be dead ass boring without him. Another round of Christmas will pass by that I'm not the happiest and I guess the universe made sure that I deserve that.

"My mom said we'd be spending holidays in Canada." Nixon was just speaking when I met them at the hallways.

"Canada's not that bad." Darren replied. "Aren't you looking forward to seeing Canadian hoes out there?"

"I am, yeah. I know one chick there from last year and I guess she's all grown up now. But it's way too cold out there and I can't stand the cold, y'all know that. I don't want to wear thick coats and gloves all month long, i-it's not that cool to be wrapped. I feel like a spring roll on a freezer." Nixon uttered.

"And what about you, Xavier?" Darren redirected his focus from Nixon towards me. "Are you spending the holidays here?"

"Yeah, nothing's changed. I was born here, I'm going to spend my seventeenth Christmas here and I guess I'm going to die here as well." I blabbered out. "Life's not been that interesting."

"Damn, that's cutting me deep, bro. Are you on something?" Darren replied cinching his brows on me.

"Just because I'm thinking deeper than you all doesn't mean I'm on something." I said with a chiding tone. I mean, it's true though except that I'm really on something. I'm sniffing this thing called torment. I'm drunk on conflict. I'm nearly suffocating on agony. I'm going through a lot.

"Okay, our bro's really on something here." Darren shook his head.

"Man, our brother just got some chick problem." Nixon in his casual voice before eventually switching places with Darren. "Yow!" He hung his arm around my shoulder and winked at me. "Who's the chick huh? Who's this chick that's giving you headaches?"

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