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As I walked inside this new expensive looking condominium space that my dad had bought for me, I was already beginning to wonder why he had to buy me a new place instead of just taking me to meet his family. It's just an intrusive thought that I have in mind because I haven't spoken a single word ever since he picked me up from that tiny little apartment that me and my mom had. Obviously for him, it's such a complex entanglement and I was just having this fear that he might still be planning on hiding me for some unknown reasons. I don't really know what's going on with the old man and as much as I can, I tried my best to control my emotions and feelings. It was really difficult to not raise my voice at him and to smile fraudulently at him like everything's alright when the truth was, there's a small storm starting to form inside of me.

Luckily for my own sanity, my dad decided it's best to tell me the reason why he's letting me stay at a different place rather than showing up at home with a new grown teenage son. That would be a whole lot of different story that I might have to adjust from and it would make this already tangled mess even more tangled. I don't have any other choice but to buy what he was trying to sell me. He let me know that he's trying to settle things down beforehand which sounded pretty much true. He told me he had to prepare everyone so they won't get as astonished to learn that he got a son outside.

I don't really mind staying in this new place mostly because I don't have to worry about paying the rent, about getting some food to eat, and just about having anything that I want and need. The truth is, I wasn't actually ready to meet my dad's original wife and my step-siblings. I was never ready for that. I've already met this little girl who was running after my dog Muffin and that's just about it. Speaking of Muffin, he's the only thing that I want to meet again. I've missed him so much and I just to spend some time with the cute little dog.

In reality, I don't think I have mustered the right type of energy to meet my dad's original family. I haven't thought about it mainly because I have never expected that I'm going to try and give him a chance for forgiveness. I'm quite sure that in my dad's family's eyes, I'm the rotten apple and they would most probably develop some sort of disgust and hate towards me. I don't have to blame them for that and maybe it's time to get ready for that upcoming debacle too.

My dad told me that at some point in time, he's going to introduce me to his family and that's going to be a mental and emotional torture for, not only myself but for everyone else who's affected too. I don't know when is that going to happen but I have to make sure to develop a thick skin when the time finally reels in.

The condominium space was wide and bright and my dad seemed to know some influential people in this city because he got this place with one call. It was pretty much easy for him when compared to my mom who really struggled to find an affordable place for us.

The space had its own living area, two bathrooms, one bedroom, one kitchen and of course, a balcony that has a panoramic view of the city. I was even more glad that the place already had a lot of supplies. When I opened the fridge, I saw a lot of stuff such as fresh produce, juice, milk, almost everything that I need. Somehow, it got me excited mostly because me and my mom's fridge was never full and seeing this fridge filled with everything was such a delight. Though, I was just slightly disappointed that I never found any beer or anything that has alcohol in it. I could really use a drink right now.

I spent the entire day loafing around the place mostly because I don't have anything to do other than mope and loaf around. If I wasn't having a healing wound and some stitches on my waist, I would've probably gone out for a jog and some bottles of alcohol too. I watched some TV, walked around and filled the empty closet with my stuff, hanged out by the balcony. I got really bored because I have no one to talk to and by the time the evening hit, I suddenly remember Michiko's Halloween party.

I sent Jordi some text messages checking if he was doing okay but I never really received any response from him at all. Honestly, I was having some trouble coping with it for the first few minutes. I was wondering what's going on. Did he attend the party at all? I was thoroughly overthinking about some things that I don't really have to overthink about. I ended up convincing myself to give Jordi the benefit of the doubt. I thought perhaps he's really just enjoying the party alongside his friends Nikki and Jane. If I wasn't thrown in my current situation right now, I would've probably gone to the party as well.

After about three hours of not getting anything of a response, I decided to give Jordi a call. I just really missed him so much even though we just hanged out like yesterday. At first, he wasn't picking up the call which really added to my anxiety. I just kept on calling him until he eventually picked it up.


"How was the party?" I began asking him for the party. I could already hear the music playing in the background and it seemed that people are really having fun at Michiko's party.

"G-good. It was great." He replied and I just noticed how he's very much shaky. Maybe he got one too many drinks or something.


I was just about to ask him about his costume but he cut me off right before I could even utter a single word. "Hey, do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked and I was surprised.

"W-what?" I could feel my heart beating out of such excitement. I straightened up my posture from the couch. I know we were already hanging out but we never really talked about the word boyfriend. This was the first time someone had brought it up and I know it should be me but I'm really quite excited that Jordi brought this up.

"Will you be my boyfriend, Xavier Rockwell?" Jordi repeated what he just said, this time, he made it very specific.

"I do, Jordi. I do!" I replied gritting with utmost joy. I was just overthinking a while ago and now, Jordi just proposed and asked me if I will be his boyfriend. I got really fucking thrilled by that.

"Okay... I love you, Xavier." He breathed out over the phone and this was really the first time that I heard him say those three letter word to me. As far as I can remember, I'm the only person who said that and now, I'm very much happy that I could die.

"I love you too, Jordi." I replied and just as the call ended, I was already lying on the couch staring at the ceiling.

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