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My heart was dropping at such a rapid speed and I thought I was going to lose consciousness as well until I realized Xavier's father was already here screaming out loud. It started to sink in to me that everything's actually happening in real time. As soon as the bearded guy saw Mr. Rockwell rushing, he quickly woke his bald friend up. They both rushed back inside their car and eventually drove away like it was nothing.

"XAVIER!!!" Mr. Rockwell sat down on his knees and checked Xavier for his pulse. He looked very much flustered.

Gritting with agitation, I quickly rushed to their side and I was already overwhelmed with panic. "Xavier. Oh my god." It was hard for me to breath and I could feel tears streaming down my face. I could blood dripping out of Xavier's waist and I know I just had to toughen myself out.

"Stay calm, kid." Mr. Rockwell muttered and I could clearly tell it in his eyes that he was figuring things out himself.

"I-I can't." I cried out.

Mr. Rockwell held me by my shoulders and looked at me straight in the eyes. "You can and you will. Stay calm. I'm going to remove the knife."


He shook my shoulder hard and it was enough to make me focus. "Listen to what I'm going to say."

"O-Okay." I breathed out.

Mr. Rockwell quickly removed his suit and then he slowly pulled the knife out of Xavier's waist. More blood started to rush out that I almost want to barf but I tried my best to suck it all up because I'm very much aware this is a matter of a life and death situation. Mr. Rockwell used the very same knife and ripped a huge portion of his white shirt. He began wrapping it around Xavier's waist and even then, there's still some blood seeping through the thin cloth.

"He might bleed out." I muttered certainly stricken with worry. Xavier's face was just a peaceful image of a guy seemingly sleeping on the side of the road but what's truly going on wasn't in any way a peaceful thing.

"I'm well aware." Mr. Rockwell replied. He was already covered in sweat and that was the moment I started to realize a few people watching and taking photos and videos of what was currently going on. "I'm going to carry him to car and you need to put pressure on the wound so he won't bleed out." He added.

"Understood." I nodded.

"STOP TAKING VIDEOS PLEASE!!!" Mr. Rockwell begged but these curious bystanders seemed like they heard nothing as they kept their phones up.

Mr. Rockwell took the matter in his hands and carried his own son who's apparently just as tall as he was. Clearly, it was not an easy job for him to carry this beefed up guy alone but he managed to do it with his will and strength. Xavier was a heavy guy too and Mr. Rockwell struggled to carry him.

"OUT OF THE WAY, DAMNIT!!!!" He screamed out loud shoving the few curious watchers to the side.

I quickly followed Mr. Rockwell's footsteps as he managed to get Xavier inside this black tinted car. I immediately went inside as soon as Mr. Rockwell settled Xavier. He then quickly jumped to the driver's seat.

"Here's some more cloth!!! Remember to keep the pressure on the wound until we get to the hospital." I grabbed this clean white t-shirt from Mr. Rockwell's hand and then immediately put some pressure on Xavier's wound.

In this crucial moment, I realized this was extremely different than that time me and my mom found Xavier punching a certain wall. I was also scared and worried for him during that time however, this time I felt like my chests' going to explode out of dread. My mind's not really functioning well except for the fact that I had to keep pressure on the wound. It was all that I could think of. I stared at Xavier's face and I was already praying for him to stay alive.

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