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Ever since the unfortunate passing of Xavier's mom, he has been such a fun type of lad to hang out with quite surprisingly. It was initially difficult and confusing for me to adjust from this new whole new Xavier but I will admit, I am loving it as much as how I fell in love with the old Xavier.

When my grandma passed away, I was in the longest state of shock and sorrow but eventually, I ultimately I learned how to recover from such loss. Xavier on the other hand, while I'm aware that he had cried a lot during his mother's passing, he bizarrely took a hard left in probably the most positive way that I've seen of him. He said he's going to live his best life and I don't even have anything bad to say about his decisions in life.

I took the ride with him and it has been the most fun and carefree adventure that I've ever had in my life. Initially, I had lots of doubts and confusions about Xavier's intensely positive behavior but ultimately, as time passed by, I ended up falling deeply in love with how he was trying to live, laugh and love. I guess people do actually tend to recover from such a devastating loss differently and this was a clear evidence of it.

Xavier and I probably did the most for the following days after his mom's death. We went hiking, visited many different beaches, ate at every expensive restaurant in the city, we went skinny dipping in the dark, we partied a lot and we even confronted most of the people who bullied me in the past. This was the adventure of a lifetime that I wasn't quite expecting but I'm in it with the wildest ride of my life. It was basically the two of us living like there's no tomorrow, loving like we don't have anything left to give and laughing too much that people might've thought at one point that we are some cuckoos who got out of our cages. I will say it was such a delight to be around this new and revamped version of Xavier Rockwell.

One Saturday morning, I woke up in this king size bed, it's the very same bed that I've been waking up on for quite a while and the first person that I caught sight of was Xavier still in deep slumber. We just partied pretty hard last night and it was basically liberating for both him and I made possible by our fake ID's and smartly dressing up like we just graduated from a certain university. We got inside this gay club where everybody's either part of the community or an ally. I saw how Xavier flaunted his newly acquired personality of just being his true self and while we're both not acting like that at school, it is just giving me more joy to witness him actually flaunt his gayness with both of my own eyes.

It was still quite dark inside the room and the only light we have was from the lampshade. Thankfully, even though I have consumed a lot of alcohol last night, I only have a mild hangover. Maybe my system has started to grow even stronger since I've been partying with Xavier for the past three months now.

I was just looking at his serenely angelic face and all I could think was the love that I have for this person. I'm not going to lie, we've gone so far and been through shit but I still can't believe he went from scaring and bullying me to eventually loving every inch of me. I still can't believe that I went from utterly loathing the shit out of him as a person and being bat shit scared every time I see to absolutely making him my favorite person in the entire universe. To me, it is such a miracle that we've come this way when most people just go out their way and hate each other until their death. It is truly crazy that our relationship has turned from hating each other to a hellish extent to eventually loving each other to a heavenly extent.

Using my thumb, I gently caressed his lip and I thought he was still gallivanting somewhere in his sleep but I saw how his eyeballs twitched.

"Good morning, babe." He moaned out, his eyes were still closed which I kind of adored. This was the guy who deserved to be loved, I thought to myself.

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