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Kyung seok pov

I picked up the call.
" How's your girlfriend doing??"
" Not running after your money." I replied
"Shut up. You murderer."
I ended the call and suddenly fell sharp pain in my heart. I stare at the tree. My eyes filled with blur vision and my mind rewinding the scene that I didn't wanted to resume. I gulped all the pain down and hid all the emotions inside my rib cage.
I didn't know how to react. My sane was not with me and being lunatic wasn't in my domain.
I couldn't cry because all the tears left my body. This feeling felt hard to take and harder to narrate.

Luna POV

"Are you real god??"
I asked still filled with doubts.
She smiled.
" Can you tell me how can I escape this situation. "
"You always want escape. Don't you??" She replied.
"You can, you just need to remove all your grief and guilt before leaving this place."
She laughed and i stared her like a monument, she was so beautiful that one can't take their eyes off. She seems so perfect to be real.
" Do whatever, they did to you and burn them in your flames of hell."
"But, I don't exist."
She closed her eyes and gifted me the box." Only open when you finally made a decision. It can't be rewinded."
I held the box and stare that brown ancient box in stunned and when my eyes searched for life, i saw nothing.
She was gone.

The next day

Kate was walking through the hall of the school. He came here to attend the meeting. He saw soojin and grabbed her hand and put hands on her mouth. He took her to male washroom and locked the door inside.
" I am goona kill you, if you did something to me." She was full of rage and tried to free herself and tried to shout.
" Why did you do to her?? What she has done to you."
He shouted and cried. Viens of his hand and forehead started to harden. He lost his sane.
" Do you really wanted him so bad that you took someone life. Didn't you felt bad for her for a second. How can you be so cruel?? You are true monster. I am glad that you left my life. But you real curse, you took the life of my second love. If you were so starving, took my life instead. You really loved Kyung seok. Right?? Didn't you ever thought of him. I couldn't imagine any human like you." He was stumbling in his sentence. His eyes were red and filled with tears.
She tried to utter something but he slapped her. And she was shocked by his actions.
He was weak and ready to destroy her.
She bit his hand and used force to free her.
"Mr. Kim kate, touch me again. I would put you behind bars for harrassing me. No money, no fame of yours won't make u free." She didn't stumble, she said in single breath and so heavily that even walls became witness. Her straight face which was filled with arrogance describing her attitude but couldn't describe her pain, her fear, It was hidden in her heart.
She unlocked the door and saw some boys. They were all whispering and laughing. One of them poked, " hey baby, tell me if anything you want." He touched her hands. She literally slapped him so hard that her palm printed on his face. Before he could utter any next word, She slapped him again.
She stared straight to the kate and left the scene.

Do Kyung seok pov

It was our final exam. Before reaching my class, I entered soojin class. In full anger, I opened the door. Luckily she wasn't there. There was one girl talking to some other one. I held her bag and start searching her bag endlessly. She grabbed my hand and slapped me. I didn't care much and kept on searching every single unit. She used some force to free me but it was no use.
" Didn't your mother teach you to not touch any girl's bag."
Soojin entered the class and saw another drama, she was literally so fed up from all these scandals.
"Kyung seok, what are you doing? I am class representative. Please don't let me use my power on you."
"Soojin, trust me once, I promise. I won't let you down this time." She sighed.
" Don't let me down or else I will not treat you some special."
"How can you do this, you are favouring him."
"Keep your mouth shut." She silenced her.
I checked each and everything but got nothing, he saw some pads there. At first, I felt nervous and left the bag. But it was my last hope, so I snatched the bag once again and opened the pad but instead of pad, I found some white powder . I was relieved that I  found drugs from her bags lastly.
The whole class was shocked. I took out my recorder.
First it was the sound of bird churping but soon some words start to utter.
"Hey this is mi rae, you didn't pay me full..............Do you know what could this led me to. Gladly, I put those drugs in that stupid kid bag. What was her name, I guess Luna. I was so afraid of all this shits........ Complete the payment, if you wanted these tomorrow........I would be carrying them secretly and gave you after my school finished.....I don't think school will think of doing this frisking again."
I grabbed her collar and took her straight to the principal room.
" I beg you, please don't do this to me. I will do anything for you."
She grabbed my legs and beg for the mercy. She cried.
" Bring my love back. Bring Luna back to her life."
She was  all pale.
I again grabbed her by her collar and continued my way. This is the least I can do for her.

Kate POV

We were discussing to give free scholarship to foreign students and decide some entrance exam for their upcoming college years. We decided to help our students and relax their admission in the our college branch. This may help us improve our school image.

When we are all discussing this in meeting. There was one call that came in between, one of them picked up.
I said to put in speaker.
"What happened??"
" There was one boy named Kyung seok wanted to enter in the meeting."
"Don't let him in." I commanded.
"He told me that..."
"Don't let him.."
"Luna. I wanted to discuss about Luna."
My eyes widened and I myself went there to saw. I left meeting and ran to rach there. The principal and other memeber followed me.
I saw him with some other girl.
" What is this??" I said in anger while clenching my first.
"Your culprit. She put the drugs on her bag to mislead us."
"Call the police and make sure trial will be on the expense of school." I said that in the straight face and was about to leave.
"I want some money for finding her out."
"How much??"
"As much as you think I deserves."
Gave him blank cheque and let him fill the amount and all yes all the expenses of hospital will be payed by the school as it is all school fault. And I want my school image as a trustee." I left the scene.
I know he was greedy. Doing all this for money.

Kyung seok pov

I took the amount and straight went to the Luna home. His mother was cleaning her home. Her face lost all the charm. I couldn't imagine how much pain she was going through. It is not easy at all to be without your loved ones. I felt so sorry for her.
I hugged her.
She was shocked .
" Who are you??"
"Luna's ex."
"She had a boyfriend."
"Yes, leave this. Take this."
"What is this??"
"Blank cheque. I can't share your pain but atleast I can share your burden. Full how much you wanted."
She broke down and kept on crying. She was too weak. I couldn't feel her strength when she hugged me . I was too crying but didn't show my face to her. I heard her whispering and literally felt how hard it was for her. I dried my face.
" She said that she loved her father more but it doesn't mean that they both left me alone here."
" Your son is here with you. And always be with you Don't be sad." I put head on her laps and let her enjoy her motherhood that she lost it after that harsh incident.
Kate entered the room. There was some cloth on his shoulder. He was shocked.
" See my another son is here too. You know he came everyday to help me with chores. His name is kate, Luna's friend. "
"Kate, don't you think he is handsome. He was boyfriend of my daughter. My daughter must be lucky "
"I was luckier than her."
He smiled and leave.
That day I slept peacefully.
I wrote my journal and it was not talking about another nightmare. It was not calling me murderer. It was finally sign of relief. I wrote that because of me, she got justice and I did nothing wrong. All that grief, guilt that was killing me of hurting my love. I felt good that atleast I could do something for her.

Hey tulips, so I know you are tired of my late updates but actually I am more excited to completed this story but it sometimes get too hard to arrange all this in chronological manner. Hope you understand. Tell me if you liked this chapter.

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