new chapter

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Haru pov

I was quite nervous in this place. New home, new place, new college and new country, All alone. But one thing never changes in my life which is my love for books. Books really helped in escaping the harsh reality of life. They were my first friend and yes, I can't live without them. I tucked my hair in low ponytail, wear one white basic shirt and midi black skirt. Yup quite irrelevant for first day, but I don't give fuck about people. They all together are annoying. Whatever i did in life was for my life. I only lived for myself and only love myself. I knew how to handle myself in worst situations and worst nightmares. And  i am quite used to be with myself. I don't need anyone in my life. This world is scavenger and I am not here to play prey. I am good by myself. I went to the college; for this college, I literally worked my ass off. I am the top student of Taiwanese. And I would really make most of my 5 years in Korea. Like any normal day, I was ignoring everyone human existence and literally put my eyes on my book. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I would be strange for their eyes. I am not from their nation so it's quite obvious or maybe i am too hot for them.
I ignored them like it is in my ritual and sat on first third bench and continued my reading. I kept my bag on the other bench and literally drooled my eyes on this new epic book. Another mystery to enjoy so you shouldn't blame me  for that.
" Keep your bag aside!!"
"I will not."
"What do you think of yourself?"
"A busy person."
"Can you stop being rude??"
I rolled my eyes and raised my eyebrows. Why people can't mind their own business??
"Can you stop disturbing me?? Unlike you, i have some stuff to do."
" Couldn't you see??there is no empty place to sit."
"Ask nicely."
"Can I sit here??"
He was about to burst out. He side eyed me but as it was his last option, so he did.
"May I sit here??" In full sarcasm, in addition polite manner, he asked.
"Please?? Plus don't forget to mention mam. You should learn etiquette, in my opinion."
He made an annoying face and was trying to control his finger. Maybe he wanted to kill me right now.
"Please mam, May I sit here??"
"No." He looked the other way and hit the bench of the side table.
"Hey Kyung seok!! sit on this bench." Another guy pooped up but as he helped me to avoid this bastard. So I am good. I was still inside my book. Yeah, classified me as bookworm or nerd and I would take it as a compliment because if being reading is sin. Then I would prefer hell over heaven.
Teacher entered and everyone greeted her. She was teaching and suddenly noticed me reading any other book.
"Girl with white shirt,on the first third bench."
I stood up in response.
" At the time of Korean war, who was the us president back then??"
"Harry .S. truman."
"Time period of Korean war??"
"Why was Mr. Truman famous for??"
"For Truman doctrine."
"Preceded by??"
"Franklin.D. Roosevelt."
"Succeeded by??"
"Dwight D. Eisenhower."
Mam sighed in remark.
"What ideology you prefer?? Put strong argument on it."
"According to me, a mixed economy with there is  strong capital hold, where government weren't much involved in industries but still focused on economy. It will help in good law and governance as government would have less burden and other rich person would too check their walking and have a sphere for competition in public sector for greater service and easily accessible for those who were in need. Industrialist and government both held their own importance and should be in same ecosystem."
Students were about to clap for an appreciation but I stopped them in their mind way.
"Mam, may I sit now??"
Mam was annoyed.
" May I know your good name??"
Her eyes widened in surprise.
I bow her down.
"Mam, thank you for your appreciation and kindness but you may continue your lesson. I already did that before hand so I am sorry for my weak interest in this."
She was still shocked.
"Mam, may I sit now??"
"You can." And i sat and continued reading my book.
As i was heading to my home. In mid way, I saw one librarian begging to one of those cheap rowdies. They might be using force on him to incur some money. A total begger. Obviously. I side eye them and continued my way.
" Hey!! You little brat!!"
I stopped.
" What's in your bag?? And don't you know how to respect your elders."
"Yeah, learning from you." I sarcastically smiled in between.
"YOU!!", he grabbed his rod and ran towards me to hit me, "let me teach you one, your fragile hands will break by my touch."
I hold my book in tight grip and slammed on his face with a force. Without hesitation, I welcomed him with another slap from my thick hardcover book. They were quite heavy, so greater than any slap I could ever give. In anxiety, I kicked his ball and i am really sorry for that. He was crying in the pain. Ahmm!! Too bad.
" Hey!! Boss." They looked him from a very far distance and then suddenly looked at me."Who is that girl?" 
Fuck bitch!! He has a gang. I am dead. My eyes widened and luckingly my brain cells had enough courage to move my feet for escape.
Fortunately, I am good at speeds and literally ran from my life.
They were following me too but I confused them for a while through moving into narrow shit.

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