Mr found his ms.

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kate pov

I was in the shower, taking my bath and suddenly my phone started to vibrate. I closed the shower and put the phone on speaker. I was cleaning my hair.
" Hey son!! I have something to tell you."
"Why do you always carry surprises for me??"
" Your grandfather. You know, you are his loveliest son."
" I would be loveliest if I am the only one. Come to the point."
"See son, I told him you are already married."
"Wtf!!  I am underage first of all. And second of all, why??"
"See son, he wanted to gift you huge property and that property really in my need in my incoming project and he would only gift you as a marriage gift. I know you are underage but your grandfather is overage. You know ancient beliefs. And you can carry any of your girlfriends."
"How many girlfriend do I have." I sighed "NONE!!." I shouted.
" Soojin??"
"She was my girlfriend and now enemy. She would kill me."
"She attempted suicide."
He turned silent for a while. There was loud awkwardness spread between us.
"Son, don't you have any female friend."
I cancelled the call and literally got fed up from my father.
He messaged me." You are my last hope, I wanted this property so bad. Just get any chic but just be careful that she should be classy and not roadside. I mean you are showing that girl to your grandpa. Please It is for one day."
He is literally on his pills. Should I create a girl by myself. I switched off my phone and one thought really clicked my mind. What if that cute girl will become my wife. Stop this fetish. I don't know where she lived, what she do. And she looked like kid. She isn't half of my height. But you love Luna. Kate!! And yes...Suddenly my thoughts turned blank. I just started to clean my house and just worked like any other normal day. Thought of her, gets me too overwhelmed. How can she do this to me. Didn't she thought a second about this?? Didn't she thought of me. If she would tell me. I would ruin world for her. Why my dumb friend, my love?? Why sacrifice your life for something so vague?? Shut up, kate. You need to get over her. There's no such thing that call love exists.

Soojin pov
I was going to Kyung seok and that stupid punk, he called me in mid classes. I went to his college. This college literally fucking me up. And I was going through my books while waiting for me. I was waiting for him in his ground. It was same University, so, didn't got problem in Id proof. I was walking here and there and I suddenly got hit by some girl.
"Oh!! Sorry. I didn't see you."
"Your bra strap is showing." I raised my eyes and lift my lips in disgust.
" So, it shows because I wear one. I am women."
" I am sorry. But I thought you would be uncomfortable. I am hoping your parents didn't fuck in public to prove they are couples."
It took me  a second to understand and a minute to realise her manners and stupidity.
" You..." I got cut in between my statement." Hey!! Soojin. Long time. We haven't met, missing you a lot."
Kyung seok entered the scene. "This rude girl, is she disturbing you too?? Leave her. Everyone in class hates her."
She rolled her eyes. " You hate me because I don't want you to like me. " She picked her book and removed dust from  it and continued her way.
" I really don't know these kinds girl exist." " Leave her." And then we usually talked about things like any normal conversation.

Haru pov

I was heading to my home and that same library. I noticed it. I got curious and went inside it. I just checked some random books which I wanted to read it for so long.
" Who are you??" Some shrinking voice, I heard with some cough. I immediately put those books in shelf.
He was the same old person who was got beaten by those thugs.
" Ohh!! Kid. What can I do for you?? " You literally saved my life." It wasn't my intention. " Tell me anything you want."
"Can I get a job in nearby place??"
He laughed. " You are searching mouse everywhere and the mouse is in your shoulder."
"What do you mean by that??" I got confused. " You can work here, as I had some business dealing and I am too old to instruct people about book and I am guessing you have some interest in books. You can enjoy these books too and you can get income too."
"Really!!" I was amazed. I agreed with some face lifting smile

After some weeks on. I was reading inside the library. Someone entered the store. I noticed and ahh shit, the same guy. He was wandering here and there and I was hiding my face inside the book. Wait!! You work here. Ahhhh!!!!! Why?? But still I ignored him.
"  I guess you work here.Can you show me some books on science fiction??"
I slowly revealed my book with some awkward smile. He for a second, couldn't believe that we would meet like in this way.
"Look. I am searching you for a while. Do you know that how much you cost me. You ruined the new cycle which I didn't bought it. I need to pay the whole amount and plus extra charges for nuisance. Because of you. Give my money back. I need to pay lot of bills."
"Pauper, I don't have any money."
He raised his eyebrow and smiled.
"You don't have money and I am the pauper."
"Can I do some favour like?? How much my body cost??"
He blushed and looked the other way.
" I mean, it is not bad idea but I want money. I am too poor to think about all these."
It took me a while to understand what he meant.
" I am talking about organs. You dumbass crab."
His eyes widened. " You should make it clear then."
"I have one favour for you." He smirked. "I won't sell my body." I covered myself.
" Who wants to get it any way?"
" First, show me the science fiction."
He got me frustrated but I need to do my job. I led him to sci fiction section and showed him some books.
" This one."
" No. Show me this one."
I did as he told.
" This one."
And we continued this way till I noticed that he was reading my book. That ass, literally ruined my back for this . I took my book and asked whether he really wanted to buy or rent or simply wanted to waste my time.
Suddenly owner of the library came and couldn't keep his happiness inside and hugged me passionatly.
"What are you??" I asked in the most frustrated sense.
" We are old friends "
"He seems like old. You don't."
"Shut up. You don't have enough brain to speak senseless."
"Intelligent people know where to speak senseless because some people don't know how to understand sense. If I would speak intelligently, how would you communicate."
" So you want to keep the conversation going.huhh!!"
He winked and I am planning where to place his dead body. I looked away.
" Don't be shy. You can see all you want."
" But please be shy enough to get on my nerves."
" I am going to grocery. Bye!!" Mr. Jung left the place but we were still fighting with our hot ass comebacks.
" Look !! I have some task for you. You can  have extra money for it too. I need you for one day."

Hey tulips, how's life going??. Actually thanks for your 1 k reads and there's some special thing I want to discuss you is your D.o.T is participating in watty awards. Please show your love there and yes one surprise waiting for you after 100 followers. Btw lot's of love 💕

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