bigger pitcure

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Haru pov

As my days went back to normal, I continued going to college. In midway, someone snatched my bag. I tried to get it back, but failed to do so. Seems like there is bulk of bad luck in my life. How I would travel in Subway with no money and moreover, there were some of my books in that bag. Seems like I had to take bus for a college. Atleast,I had some extra money in my socks for these kind of situation. Then, as it was my last option, I travelled through bus and reached my college.
But atmosphere was quite unusual than before. It was announced that students have to attend the conference. All of sudden, conference hall. I was confused but let it go through flow.
Soojin called me out of nowhere.
" Are you out of your mind?"
" What do you mean??"
"Don't act like you know nothing. This step can actually ruin your reputation.
I am bet sure your vice president place has gone.You may get expelled from college. I wish board of directors would be enough generous to not to do so."
These words didn't explained me moreover, it confused me. Her words just making me anxious.
"What are you babbling? Come to the point. "
She glared at me and left me all alone.
Her words made the surrounding so heavy that it was so hard to escape. But I knew they called every student in conference hall. I should be there too. As I went there, everyone was staring at me. Some of them laughing and gossiping . All I could do was to act normal. Unaware about what this unusual act is. I just sat in nearest chair. I saw two boys laughing and then staring at me. They were watching something on screen. With suspicion, I took a close look. And my eyes widened, when I saw my pictures in college front website. And yes, what you thinking, those same pictures which burnt my heart yesterday. My naked photos which I sent to that creep. The police told me that they had deleted all the sources from everywhere. How came someone could leak my photos like that. I suddenly realised, the morning incident where my bag was snatched. My phone was also in there. So they used my phone. The feeling succumbed me. I lost all the hope, now I have to go to Taiwan. My whole career would be finished in Korea. Seems like My whole life would be spent in doing part time jobs for basic necessity. I was sitting blanking staring stage. I saw everything in detail, as it could be my last day in this college. Seems like this was written in destiny and all my hardwork was in vain. My night sleep was wasted for nothing.
" We called you because one of our trustee has something to say to you. It would only take couple of minutes. "
There I saw Kate, wearing formal suit, all groomed, was going to stage. Kate, in this place, in this way. Why everything has to be so confusing that every second someone would be saying peek-a-boo.
He had a look of me. I smiled in return, but he ignored my existence like I was nothing. He walked away. He grabbed the mic. Why was he going to stage?? Was he trustee of my college?? If he was then how came he was doing part time job in modeling agency and moreover. Why didn't he showed me he was that much rich. It can't be. He can't be. It must be other reason.
" I, Kim Kate, trustee of your college would like to enlighten about leaking of  personal photos of one of our student. All of the photos have been deleted. If anyone would be found at any leaking stuff. You could see criminal cases regarding it. And there is my humble plea to students, you don't need to share anything personal to anybody until you are way too sure of it. Thank you for your valuable time."
So he finally got the knowledge about it. And now my personal life was also in blunders. Seems like I am finished.
Finally the meeting was called out and immediately went to Kate. I shouted at him but he wasn't listening or should I say  wasn't responding. I grabbed his hand and hugged him tight. He, firstly was about to hug me back but resisted his urge.
" Kate, it isn't my fault. There was some person in online who was forcing me to send those pictures. Please believe me."
I harden my grip around me. I didn't want to let him go.
" Mam, let me go. " He used some force and pushed me away. I can't believe that he did this to me.
He was ignoring me but I was following him and kept on begging him that he would listen some words.
"Kate believed me, I would give you prove if my phone wouldn't snatched.
" Kate, listen.". I was stuttering in between.
" Kate, believe me."
" I didn't do anything wring."
." Please trust me."
" Kate, it was sextortion."
" I also complained about it."
" I could show if I would have phone."
" Kate, Kate, Kate, listen."
He suddenly stopped and stared at me with dead eyes. He smiled but I know, it wasn't real one.
" Miss, you don't owe me any explanation.  Just be more careful next time."
In between of our conversation, soojin came, she tried to stop but the Kate, when he looked at her, she took a step back. She might get scared and why wouldn't she??His face was telling how he was forcing to keep his storms inside.
I realised, it would cause no change. I had to let him go and accept the things as it is. My whole life was doomed in this day. Everything I ever loved, dream just ruined in front of eyes. I took a step back too and let him go wherever he thought he wanted to go.
I turned my back. Now, as I didn't had a courage to face him or anyone. I even can't face myself. Seems like this is what people called fate. I just left my college and straight went back to home. I might not have enough days to be in here.
I was packing my things and was looking for a flight. I can't stay in place like that where I have no future. With wet eyes, I was checking the flights and everything. I was checking how much money I had. And how much it was required. There, I heard some knock, it might be kate. I know, he trusted me. I, within second, opened the door but it was neither Kate nor soojin. Kyung seok entered and with his bubbly smile, he welcomed. I couldn't able to make a eye contact.
" Are you going somewhere?? I mean where??"
" Taiwan"
" But your scholarship didn't end. Then??"
I was holding my anger, my sorrow all inside. My voice started to breaking up.
As I can no longer in control of my body,
I cried my whole heart. My tears were telling everything that my heart couldn't.
He pat my back.
" Kate might be breaking up with you. He was telling me that your photos were in the porn site, like where people sell their nudes and also so your account getting money. He, too didn't trusted that things but all the evidence are against you. "
It hardened  my heart.
In my breaking voice, I replied, " I also reported in the cyber police for sextortion. They told me that they cleared all the photos. And I didn't take any money. I had screenshot of them but my phone was snatched."
His sympathetic look was irritating me. But I couldn't deny, at this point, I was helpless.
" I really don't know which side to take so I will comfort you both. "
" You don't need to comfort me, I am enough for myself. Go check Kate. And please take care of him when I would go back to my home land."
" This exact line was said by Kate. He, too might be going for Europe for some business. He said he also wanted a little break from all this drama. It wasn't anything new for him anyways."
With my hand on my legs, I silently listened,what could I do more than that. My head was just down and my eyes was staring at my thigh. I was over analysing stuff, while it was draining me.
" Btw, do you wanna come for latest book exhibition. Afterwards, you are going anyway. It would be my gift, you could choose any book you like. Soojin would be there too."
I didn't want to break his heart so I said yes.

Kate pov

I was focusing on my work as usual, I do not have any time to shed tears.
I was making fool of myself for taking a child play seriously. For loving things again.  New life!!Bullshit!!.
I heard a bell ringing so I attended it and  saw an old day which I might met her in somewhere.
" Child, you can attend the book exhibition. It was for new tourist arrival and celebrating. In arrival of spring, we are being funded as worker for this. Kindly visit us and show your love."
She bowed her head. And I really love their efforts so I thought, it would only took some 15 minutes.
" I would." I gladly accepted.

Love you guys, keep reading.

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