new job

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Kate pov

After some days
I went to the library where I saw that girl as usual.
" What you want??"
"Came here to return the book and secondly, that's how you shouldn't communicate with your customer"
She side eyed me and was reading her book as usual.
I raised my eyebrow and snatched her book.
" Do you want to earn some good money?"
"I ain't selling my body for this. "
" You don't need to. Look we are searching for some models who looks good on hanbok. If you are interested in it, you can come with me and please I won't get any penny by selling  you. You worth no money."
" That's a very casual way to tell me that I looked pretty in hanbok."
" Okay, I would give this offer to someone lese "
" Hey!! Stop. Seems like I am the only girl you knew."
After some hour, she dressed up and the thing was left her was touch up. The whole set up was filled with white balloon and pink background. She sat there and gave her poses. I won't lie she was looking like a doll in that outfit. She looked like that no model could be compare. Her short figure yet confident look outshined everything. I know my choices are always great. We handled her our cosmetic product. The cameraman was telling her how to pose, when she couldn't understand the pose. He touched her hand and told her to showcase the product. He told her to showcase the product. I know he was doing his job but why I was feeling uncomfortable. Kate, you love Luna . Why are you feeling upset for some strange girl. But those thought couldn't succumb me, I told cameraman that he would tell me the pose and I would show him directly to her and scold him that he could show the pose by doing by himself. She shouldn't touch her. He obeyed. And hands on my pocket, I was staring the platform and analysing the lightining. I asked makeup artist to give her more natural look but with enhance feature. I asked for different set up and commanded them their work in a way polite manner. I had a phone call, so I had to go to a some peaceful surrounding. By checking the watch, I told them that I would be busy all day long. And I asked them other models. I really wanted to finished this work by today.
Till I came, all setting were different. And she wore a white piece of gown. Looking like a bride. She was all happy and bloomy while talking to hairstylist. One of coworker asked me that she was perfect for this shot and they were seeing them for upcoming project. I told them that she isn't really comfortable in short clothes. Kindly consider her request. He was amazed and smiled
" I never seeing you thinking that much about your employee. "
I smiled and thought by myself that was I thinking about her unusual. I saw the photo of Luna and then there I clear my mind. It couldn't be. It could never be. It is all about some girl and some affection. Don't get attracted by something like this. Focus on your work.

 Focus on your work

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Haru pov

It had been since weeks that I started and they provide me good money so that I could have a good balance in my life.
So I was in the commercial and there I met some girl who was quite famous in our university. Maybe her dad rich something. She approached me and asked me that if she could do modeling for her dad studio too. I meekly asked her who recommended her and she told me that she was seeing my modeling pitcure.
" You must be rich or something for having a gateway in this industries by this age. I was amazed. Would you teach me too."
I answered her that I did nothing extraordinary. It was because of instructions and practice that make it look good but I didn't clear her doubt about my financial status.
"You are saying this to sound nice. But I must say you are actually very pretty and you would surely be welcomed for upcoming opportunities."
I shyly listened with hand on my back.
" Can we be friends??".
"Sure." I didn't know but they seem nice and huge profit.
"My name is Seo yo ji."

Hey tulips, before you you goona kill me . I would say that I had no excuse for this much gap but my love now from this time I would be regular. Actually lot of busy schedule and uncertainty plus my mental turmoil . This small chapter is gift from my side. Love you ❤️❤️❤️

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