Chapter 10

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Harry's P.O.V

I just smiled at Omar as he seemed to register as to what happened.

"I... I can't take the job." My smile immediately fell and Sara nodded after exchanging a look with Omar.

"Why not? John isn't easily pleased. I should know." I said and Tahira grabbed another piece of pakode.

"If I leave, we'll be deported back to India. It was in the contract I signed." Omar said and I felt myself frown.

"Why don't you talk to his father? I don't think he'll appreciate his sons behaviour."

As the words left my mouth, I felt like a hypocrite. Wasn't what I was doing the past year made my mum disappointed in me? I shook that thought from my mind and looked at Omar.

"Marcel, he adores his son. I don't think he'll be happy with what he will learn from us."

"Hm. Can I have his number?" I asked and he reluctantly gave it to me.

"Don't worry, Omar. Everything will be completely alright. I promise." I said and smiled a little before leaving the family.

When I entered my house, I immediately dragged Louis and Liam into my room while Niall and Zayn were playing Mario Kart. I could tell Liam and Louis were gaping at me since the last time I talked privately was before I became who I was now.

I locked the door once I reached my room and held out the number of Omar's boss and they looked at it in confusion.

"Call this number and tell them that his son is blackmailing Tahira." I told them.

Their eyes widened and Liam snatched the number from me and Louis crossed his arms.

"Why? Why should we do this for you, Harry? You've given us nothing but trouble since the past year and you made us walk home!" I brushed my hand through my hair but got disgusted when I noticed the gel on them.

"You aren't doing this for me. You're doing this for Tahira. That girl hasn't done anything to you!" I shouted and they exchanged looks.

"What's happening to Tahira, Harry?" Liam quietly asked and I turned my back on them before taking in a deep breath.

"She's being blackmailed to be a mans second wife. The man is threatening to frame her dad for theft. Her father has already talked to John but I need to do something otherwise they'll be deported back to India." I heard them take a deep breath of disbelief and I felt Liam's hand on my shoulder.

"What do you want us to do?" I suddenly felt nervous.

Louis' P.O.V

In a second, I saw that Harry was feeling nervous for some reason. Even if I didn't like his attitude right now, for me, he was still the boy who I met in the bathroom during the X-Factor. He cleared his throat. "I... I was hoping you lads could... help me." I felt my eyes burning and filling up with tears.

I hadn't heard that sentence from his mouth in two years and I could see the old Harry in that moment. He looked like a scared kid when he looked at us over his shoulder but quickly turned around once he saw I was looking at him. When I looked at Liam, he was already looking at me and I saw a tear fall down his cheek.

We exchanged small smiles and I pat Harry's back "Of course we will help you, Haz." I said as lightly as I could and I felt his back stiffen.

For a moment, I thought he was back to his usual attitude but then he relaxed. "You get dressed to our Harry while we go and think about it, okay?" I asked and he gave the slightest nod.

"I feel like I could cry right now." Liam said as we reached the living room where Zayn and Niall were still playing but paused the game when they heard Liam.

"What did he do now?" Zayn asked and I just smiled a bit.

"Nothing execpt what he used to do." I said and I could see their faces lit up suddenly.

"Simon would be happy with this news." Niall said and I just laughed and hugged him.

"He's going to be ecstatic." I said and a thought suddenly entered my mind.

"Liam, give me the note." I said and Liam handed it to me.

I left them and walked into my room before locking the door. I quickly rang Simon and he answered his phone on the third ring.

"What did he do now?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

"Listen to me first, Simon." I said happily and I knew that he caught on my tone.

"I'm listening."

"There's this girl here. In the school a-" I got interrupted.

"Girl!? I told him to stay away from them!" Before he hung up I shouted.

"No! Simon, it's not what you think! He saved the girl. On his first day when he saw she was being bullied." I said and I could tell Simon was speechless so I continued. "She's a Muslim. And from what I understand by observing them is that Harry cares about her. A lot."

"How?" Simon whispered.

"I honestly don't know, Simon. But he wants to help her. She's being blackmailed through her dad to get married to her dad's boss's son. Harry said her dad has already talked to John. I don't know about what but can you ask him yourself about that?" I asked.

"I will. Why did you call me, Louis?"

"Well, after you talk to John, can you call the boss and ask him to transfer her father to Modest!? Harry said that the family will be deported back to India otherwise." I asked. Simon was silent for a while before asking

"I could... But, Louis, why are you helping him?"

I took a deep breath and sat on my bed after he asked the question. "Simon, this girl, I don't know what she's doing or how but somehow when things come to her, it's like Harry is his old self. And I think she is a good influence on him. He asked us to help him, Simon."

I heard Simon gasp because even be knew the last time Harry had asked for help was a long time ago.

"I'll see what I can do. Give me the number." Simon said and I quickly told him the number on the piece of paper and he hung up after that. I unlocked my door and as I opened it, three bodies fell down. I felt myself burst into laughter but what stopped mine was that husky laugh I hadn't heard in two years. When I saw him, I wanted to hug him tightly and never let go.

He was wearing his old Jack Wills hoodie.


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