Chapter 76

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Harry's P.O.V

The interviewer cleared her throat "We have something here for you both. If you'd turn towards the screen please."

We complied and turned slightly just as a picture of us from backstage came up on the screen. It was when I was rubbing my hands on her back, my face hidden by hers but my nose and forehead could be seen peeking out from behind her head. Her nose was buried in my collarbone and her hands were balled on my back and shoulder.

I felt Tahira's hand slacken in mine. When I looked at her, she was looking at the picture with wide eyes, something like mortification and horror present on her face. I heard the crowd 'Awe.' but all my attention was on Tahira's face. She looked at me then, shaking her head when she saw me looking at her.

But then, I started getting angry. My eyes narrowed and understanding how I was feeling, Tahira tightened her grip on my hand, shaking her head again, telling me not to let my anger take control of my actions but I shook my head

"Not this time." I muttered and her eyes widened slightly

"Harry, don't. You'll only be giving her what she wants." Tahira whispered and I squeezed her hand

"And I'll let her have it." I said and turned my eyes towards the interviewer who was giving us a smug smile.

"This is exactly the reason why we kept our marriage a secret. You don't know when something is private or meant for the public. This is a prime example of it. What happens between me and my wife is our private matter. You had absolutely no right to spy on our private moment or display it like this worldwide. And now, I think it's time we left." I said and stood up, Tahira following my lead without a word but the interviewer called behind us

"You can't leave an interview! You're acting irrationally, Harry. It's not like you are really married to her!"

I stopped dead in my tracks. Not believing what I just heard and turned back around to see her giving a satisfied look that she had stopped us from walking away from the interview.

"What did you say?" Tahira and I asked at the same time and the interviewer crossed her leg over the other, a satisfied smile on her lips

"It's easy to see really. First of all, she isn't the type of girl you've dated in the past. Secondly, it's surprising how you have married out of the blue. And lastly, if you are really married, I don't think till last long by the looks of her. She doesn't seem like the type to be able to keep anyone happy. In every aspect." She finished her reasoning. Tahira had gone still beside me and I felt my face going red

"I've married her because she isn't like my past girlfriends. We married because we felt like it was time we did and we had started planning it just before I had gotten into that accident. And as for keeping me happy, she's doesn't just keep me happy because she is my happiness. She's the reason I smile everyday, the reason I look forward to a new day because just being with her makes even the simplest days seem special. She's one of the few people who can make me smile even through the hardest of times. She's the reason I became my old self. She became my biggest support when I didn't have the courage to confess to the fans about why I changed. The band would be broken if I hadn't met her again. I would have been Harry Styles, a normal man, not Harry Styles of One Direction.

"And to her, I've never been Harry Styles. The normal man or the boy band member. I've always been Teddy. The lad she's known since the day she was born. The lad who was always there whenever she needed him. And I'm honoured beyond compare to have her as my wife. She's not only the one I'd love my whole life, she's my other half because I know that without her, I'd be like a lost man stuck in an endless maze that'll only end after I die. Never before."

I ended my speech then, not daring to look at Tahira's reaction because I knew all the anger I felt towards the interviewer would vanish into thin air if I saw her face right now but I needed to hold onto it.

The interviewer looked shocked and without another word, I walked off the stage, pulling Tahira with me. She didn't say anything to me, not when we walked out of the studio or when we drove back home.

As we reached home, I immediately walked into our room. I paced the room, mind getting jumbled up by my thoughts and emotions. Giving up, I sat down on the bed, my elbows resting on my thighs and I rested my face in my hands with a sigh.

Suddenly, I felt small hands gently gripping my wrists, pulling them away from my face. I looked up and saw Tahira looking at me, a serene expression on her face but her nose was slightly red as she sat on her knees

"Harry..." She trailed off when I shook my head and looked away from her.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, and hands cupped my face, forcing me to look back up at her again and she wiped a tear away I didn't even know fell from my eyes

"Why are you sorry? There's nothing for you to be sorry about." She said and I cupped her face in return

"I made you cry." I said and she shook her head, a small chuckle escaping her lips

"You did, but only because that was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard or read. You never fail to make me feel special and hearing you say all that, especially on an international interview, it was overwhelming. And if you really feel sorry for making me feel even more special than you do everyday, I have no words then." I shook my head

"You really think so?" I asked, not believing her but she nodded "Why would I lie?" She asked me but I didn't say anything. She narrowed her eyes at me and when I didn't give her a reply, she pulled away and got up. My eyes involuntarily followed her as she walked out the door.

Curiosity took over and I got up from the bed, quietly following her. I saw her walk into the room she used to stay in while I was still in casts. She came out a few minutes later, the teddy I had won for her at the carnival was in her arms. I raised an eyebrow at her when she saw me and she shrugged

"Until you're out of this... whatever mood you are in right now, you're being replaced." She said and walked towards the living room while I gaped at her retreating back

"You can't do that!" I called and the heard her call back "Watch me!"

I started walking towards the living room only to see her cuddling with the teddy on the couch like she does with me. I started feeling jealous of the teddy then. Though it was completely irrational, I always wanted to be the only one she cuddles with.

"Hey!" She protested when I snatched the teddy away from her and threw it in a random direction. She looked up at me with narrowed eyes and I narrowed my eyes right back at her. I dropped myself on the couch then. Holding her arms in my hands, I pulled them around me, forcing her to fall on my chest and before she could move away, I restrained her by wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm the only one you're allowed cuddle with." I said into her hair and then she chuckled, placing her chin on my chest to look up at me

"Who knew you had a possessive streak?" She asked repeating my words and I felt a reluctant smile come on my lips. I placed a kiss on her forehead, before resting my forehead on hers and whispered

"When it comes to you, always."


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