Chapter 91

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Harry's P.O.V

Their eyes widened for a few moments and then a sheepish look came on their faces

"That's amazing... Now I really feel bad for interrupting you both." Liam said and the other two nodded while I chuckled, waving them off

"Just don't do that again. You know she's shy when it comes to PDAs." I said and they nodded


The next day we didn't have a concert as we were travelling to the next city so we decided to finally tell our parents about it. We were Skyping them, Tahira calling her parents while I called mine but at the same time so we could see their reactions together

"Asslamu' alaikum!" Tahira called and when I looked up, she was grinning at her phone, waving her hand in excitement and I chuckled. She looked at me at that and sat down, facing the camera towards me

"Hi!" I said, waving my hand at the camera while Omar and Sara did the same

"Hi, Harry. How have you been?" Sara asked and I smiled "I've been great, Sara. What about you?" I asked and she gave the same answer

"Is everything alright?" Omar asked and Tahira nodded

"Ji, papa. We're waiting for Anne to come online. There's something we need to tell you." (Yes, papa.) Tahira said and just then, mum sent me a call request. I quickly accepted it and mums face came on the screen of my phone.

After a few pleasantries were exchanged between all of us, Omar finally came to the chase "What did you both want to tell us?"

Tahira and I exchanged looks, wondering who'll break the news and then she nudged my foot with hers, giving me the honours and I cleared my throat

"We, uh, wanted to tell... You're going to be grandparents!" I said quickly and was met by silence. All three of them were staring at us with wide eyes and then finally, Sara and mum cracked a smile

"How far are you?" Mum asked and Tahira looked down shyly

"We just passed the first trimester." Tahira said and they all frowned "You've known about this and didn't tell us?" Sara asked and I sighed

"We just wanted to be sure... Because the books said that miscarriages aren't that uncommon in the first trimester." I said and they gave us understanding looks

"That's why you're touring with him, isn't it?" Omar asked and Tahira shook her head

"I wasn't feeling well..." She trailed off so I continued "I decided to bring her along so that I could take care of her." I said and Tahira gave me a look but I squeezed her hand in mine

Omar nodded in acceptance while Sara looked concerned "You're better now?" She asked and Tahira nodded

"Ji, mamma. I'm completely alright now." Tahira said and Sara gave out a relieved sigh.

After talking some more, we hung up. It was easy to say, all of them were excited to be grandparents.

I pulled Tahira in my lap after tossing my phone beside me, turning her sideways so that I could look at her

"What's bugging you, love?" I asked when she frowned slightly, her face looking lost in thoughts. She sighed, resting her head against my shoulder

"I'm just wondering... How do you want to raise her?" She asked and I looked down at her in confusion

"What do you mean?" I asked and she looked up at me

"I mean religion wise." She whispered softly. So softly, I almost didn't hear her but when I understood what she had wanted to say, I smiled

"I've already thought about that." I said and she looked up at me curiously. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, pulled her even closer to me "Raise her like Omar and Sara raised you." I said and she looked at me in shock

"You're serious?" She asked and I nodded with a smile "Yes, I'm serious. I want her to be just like her mum. Well, as much as she can be." I said and Tahira gave me a shy smile before resting her head back on my shoulder as she wrapped her arms around my chest.

"When is the next ultrasound?" I asked

"I think it's supposed to be in three weeks now." She said and that's when another voice came

"Have you thought of a name? Or even started to?" Niall said walking in, rubbing away the sleep from his eyes. I tightened my arms around Tahira when she tried to pull away and shook my head when she looked up at me

"They won't say anything. Promise." I whispered and she gave me a weary look but then I turned towards Niall "Let us at least confirm the gender, Niall." I said and he shrugged

"But I'm calling bein-"

"Don't even complete that sentence, Niall." Louis said and Niall frowned at him

"You don't even know what I was going to say." He protested and Louis gave him the 'Really?' look

"Do I not? You were about to call being godfather to Baby Styles." Louis said and Niall flushed. Tahira and I exchanged looks, nervous about what it unfold but before either of us could say anything, Liam came

"What? Who's getting to be the godfather?" Liam asked and Louis looked at him

"Niall here was about to call it." Louis said and Liam frowned. Before it turned into an argument, I decided to interrupt

"Lads, we haven't decided on the godfather." I said and they all turned towards me in surprise

"Why not?" Liam asked and I shrugged "Haven't really thought about it with everything going on." I said and they shrugged while Louis smirked

"Well, that's good. Because I'm calling it." Louis said and the other two looked at him shocked

"You can't do that, Tommo." Liam said and Louis shrugged, dropping himself down on the couch behind him with a smug smile

"I just did, Payno." Louis said and I chuckled, shaking my head at him


"No buts, Harold. I'm Baby Styles' godfather now." Louis said and I sighed while Tahira chuckled

"Maybe next time, lads."


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