Chapter 66

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Thanks for helping me write this chapter!! xx


Harry's P.O.V

Sunlight peaking through the curtains woke me up the next day. At first I was a little confused as to where I was but then remembered yesterday's events and a small smile came on my lips.

When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by Tahira's hair. We were spooning. Our hands were intertwined as they rested on her stomach, my other arm wrapping around her waist, just under our intertwined hands while her other hand was under her cheek.

Looking at the clock on the side table over her head, I reluctantly pulled myself away from her and got out of bed as we had to reach the airport in a few hours to catch our plane.

I walked into the bathroom, doing my morning routine and having a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom.

Tahira was still sleeping in the same position I had left her in. I walked towards the bed, sitting down beside her, I shook her shoulder slightly

"Tahira?" I asked and she gave out a hm sound. "Wake up, love. We need to leave soon." I said and her eyes fluttered open slowly. She gave me a small sleepy smile which I couldn't help but return, and blushed when she saw my state of dressing. She nodded nonetheless, sitting up on the bed and ran her hand in her hair to push it aside from her face.

"Sleep well?" I asked and she gave me a smile

"Like a log." She said and I chuckled, taking hold of her hands in mine, I pulled her out of bed

"Well you need to get up now or we'll be late for our flight." I said and she gave me a curious look

"Where are we going anyway?" She asked and I chuckled

"It's a surprise. Now hurry up."

"I'll see you lads in a months time." I said giving each of them a hug as we stood at the airport. Tahira was with her parents and Pooja, saying her goodbyes to them

"Have a nice time there." Liam said and I smiled just as Omar came up to us

"Take care of her." He said and I looked at him

"You know I will." I said and he smiled, and gave me a manly hug before walking back towards Sara.

We head in after saying bye to my family. I had decided to use my private jet for us so that there wasn't much speculation as to why or where Tahira and I were travelling. And because it was a long journey too.

"Can you tell me where we are going now?" Tahira asked as we buckled up on the jet. I couldn't help but laugh slightly at her curiosity and persistence

"Alright!" I said and leaned down towards her "We're going to Bali." I whispered and she pulled back, her jaw hanging open and eyes wide

"Are you serious?" She asked and I chuckled

"Very much." I said and a grin broke out on her face just as our jet took off. I felt my nerves shaking inside me a little from the take off but I tried to hide it.

"This was really worth keeping a surprise, but how'd you know?" She asked but I shook my head

"Someone told me." I said and she chuckled

"I think I know who now." She said and I gave her a nervous smile which made her frown "Is something wrong, Harry?" She asked and I shook my head

"I'm fine." I said and she frowned even more

"You're shaking. What's wrong?" She asked again and I sighed

"I don't know. I'm feeling nervous for some reason." I gave in and she put her hand on mine, giving it a small squeeze

"Do you want to sleep it off?" She asked and I nodded after a few silent heartbeats

"I think that'll be better." I said and unbuckled myself as soon as the sign went off that it was safe to do it. Tahira was looking at me confused when I held my hand out to her. She unbuckled herself too and got up, putting her hand in mine. I dragged her towards the back of the jet

"You were asking why a jet rather than a small plane. Well, here's your answer." I said pushing the door open and her mouth fell agape at the room in front of her "It was going to be a long journey so I thought why not?" I added and she shook her head, walking into the bedroom the jet had.

"This is unbelievable, Harry." She said and I smiled slightly. I took my shoes off and plonked myself down in the middle of the queen sized bed.

"Care to join me?" I asked looking at her and she gave me an amused look

"Still nervous are you?" She asked but at the same time took her shoes of nonetheless

"It's getting better." I said and she sat on the bed before stretching her legs out in front of her, putting the pillow aside and resting her back on the wall behind.

"You aren't going to lay down?" I asked and she shook her head

"Don't really feel like it." She said

I closed my eyes then, trying to fall asleep but the nervousness I was feeling didn't go away, making it impossible for me to sleep it off. So I opened my eyes in defeat, only to see that Tahira was looking at me

"What?" I asked and she shook her head

"Nothing." She said and I sat up, propping my weight on my elbow

"Why don't you take it off? No one is going to come here." I said and pointed towards her hijab. She shrugged and took it off her head. Pulling the rubber band she had restrained her hair with in the morning, she draped her hair over one shoulder and gave me a questioning look

"Happy?" She asked with a small smile and I chuckled

"Yes. I really like your hair. It's very soft." I said, reaching out and taking a few strands in my fingers and she blushed slightly.

Much to her surprise, I placed my head on her lap, looking up at her confused face

"I can't sleep. Can you sing something for me?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow at me

"Like a lullaby? How old are you again?" She asked and I chuckled

"Humour me." I said and she gave me a weary look

"But I can't sing. At all." She said and I gave her a small smile

"Still. Language doesn't matter." I added and she gave a chuckle

"You're still doing it." I gave her a cheeky smile to which she shook her head. She bit her lip, probably deciding on the song before placing her hand over my eyes to which I slightly laughed at but complied and closed my eyes. Her hand travelled up to my hair, running through it and occasionally massaging my scalp to which I couldn't help but let out a small relaxed sigh just as she started singing. It wasn't a language I understood but it had a soft tune. I was surprised that she could sing really well, but I didn't comment on it.

I was in bliss.


AN: The honeymoon chapters are my favourite... I'm almost reluctant to keep them all with me :P jk, but get ready for cuteness overload!! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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