Chapter 141

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Important AN at the end. Please read!


Harry's P.O.V

"Honestly, how you handled this everyday is really becoming a wonder for me, darling." I said with a sigh and a throat cleared. Uh oh.


"Omar. How have you been?" I asked, trying to make things less awkward and heard him chuckle.

"I'm doing good, Harry. I guess you aren't by what you just said." He said with a chuckle and I blushed a little.

"No, I'm doing good too. The kids are just getting me tired." I said and heard him chuckle.

"What did they do now?" My wife asked me and I sighed loudly.

"You should really warn me the next time before you give your phone to Omar." I said and heard her chuckle.

"And why is that?" She asked and I sighed again.

"Because I called you 'darling' before he could say a word." I said and heard her take a deep breath.

"You didn't." She said quietly but I knew she was blushing brightly, and feeling a little embarrassed in front of Omar.

"I did. Where were you anyways?" I asked and she sighed.

"Bathroom. We were just about to leave for the mosque." She said and paused for a bit before asking "Are they there?" I smiled.

"I knew you'd ask that. Give me a second." I said and covered the mouthpiece of the phone. "Patrick! Come fast! And bring Ameera with you!" I called out and Patrick appeared in a few seconds, dragging Ameera with him.

"Your mum wants to talk to you." I said and held out my phone to him. Patrick's eyes gleamed and he quickly took my phone while I pulled Ameera in my lap to make sure she didn't run off.

"Mum!" Patrick said and started telling Tahira about what she's missing out. It wasn't long before Ameera was bouncing on my lap, blabbing something and making happy sounds as I held my phone to her ear.

"I'm missing you three so much." Tahira said once I put my phone back to my ear and I smiled slightly.

"We're missing you, too. But we'll see each other again soon. It's not long left till you come back." I said and heard her hm.

"Yeah. I met this little boy here, you know. He's so cute. Keeps reminding me of Ameera." She said and I chuckled.

"A boy reminds you of our daughter?" I asked and she chuckled too.

"He's got the same hair colour as you. And a bunch of curly hair on his head." She said and I made an 'Ah' sound.

"I see the connection. How did you meet him?" I asked and she sighed.

"He got a little lost in the crowd. And well, him reminding me of Ameera, I helped him find his mom." She said and I smiled.

"That's nice." I said and she hm'ed.

"I've got to go now. I'll call you later." She said and I sighed.

"Okay, darling. Love you." I said and heard her clear her throat.

"You, too, Harry. You, too." She whispered at the end and hung up.


"Yes, Patrick?" I asked that night. Ameera was already sleeping while I was putting Patrick to bed.

"Why did mum leave us?" He asked and I frowned.

"She hasn't left us, Patrick. She's just gone for a while on an adventure of her own with your grandparents." I said, not really knowing how to explain this to a five year old boy. Patrick frowned.

"Then why didn't she take us with her?" He asked and I sighed.

"Come here." I said and he crawled out of the bunk and on my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and ran a hand up and down his back.

"You know your mum is different from the others here, no?" I asked and he nodded.

"She said she's a Muslim." Patrick said and I smiled.

"Correct. Once a year, Muslims from all around the world go for a sacred journey. And that's where your mum is gone." I told him and he looked up at me.

"Aren't kids allowed to go?" He asked and I shook my head.

"They are. But your mum said she doesn't want you to fall ill because the weather there is very hot. And you wouldn't want to fall ill, right?" I asked and he shook his head.

"But wouldn't mum fall ill too?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Your mum is a grown up woman. She'll be fine." I said and ruffled his head. "Now, c'mon. It's time for bed." I said and Patrick got off my lap and crawled back into the bunk.

"She'll come back soon. Right, dad?" He asked and I nodded.

"She will. Promise."

I was in panic.

Tahirs wasn't picking up my calls and not five minutes ago, Pooja had called me saying that Farah had called her since Farah didn't have my number, and needed to tell me that many people were suffering from a severe heatstroke on Hajj. She wanted to check up on Tahira since I was the only one who had her number for there.

I was panicking for my wife's welfare.

I was pacing my dressing room in the stadium, dialling Tahira again and again while the boys tried to reassure me that she's fine. I had sent Patrick and Ameera to play with Lux so that they didn't see me freaking out and I didn't want Patrick to worry either.

"Harry, she's going to be fine, mate. Calm down." Liam said and I groaned when the call kept ringing but nobody was picking it up. I pulled the phone off my ear and cut the call before dialling her again.

"Harry, mate, Liam is right. She'll be fine." Niall said and I let out a frustrated breath.

"As soon as she picks up, I'll believe you." I said in return and suddenly the ringing stopped and a voice came.


It was a man.


AN: Hey guys! How've you been? I'm so glad all of you have stuck with this story for so long and are loving it as much as I am. However all good things must come to an end, and so does No Choice. Don't worry, this isn't the last chapter but however there are only nine chapters left to finish this story, not including this one. I have a surprise for you all after this story finishes so don't worry about leaving the sweet relationship between Tahira and Harry behind. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

No Choice || H.S.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon