Chapter 31

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Harry's P.O.V

It was seven o' clock when the alarm woke me up the next morning. Since we were going to Tahira's place for Eid in an hour or two, I decided to skip school today. With Simon's permission, of course.

After I had my shower, I went to my closet and pulled out the long shirt Liam had bought for me. Under the shirt, there were white pants placed with it but when I tried it on, it was loose for me. It didn't have any belt buckles so I decided to wear my black skinny jeans with it than the pants.

"Harry, you ready?"

I heard Liam ask and I called out. "Almost!" I quickly put the shirt on and it was shorter than I first thought. It reached till my hips but I think it was supposed to be longer. I just shrugged and quickly brushed my hair before opening the door to my room and heading towards the kitchen where I knew the boys would be.

"Woah." I said when I saw the boys. The clothes they were wearing was a lot different than mine but they still looked good in it. Liam chuckled at my reaction .

"Good morning, Haz." I just nodded and sat down next to Simon, who unlike the boys, was wearing dark blue jeans, white shirt with a black blazer. "You like?" Liam asked smirking and I nodded.

"It looks good on you."

He was wearing a blue shirt but unlike mine, it reached his knees with yellow pants which were folding at the end. His neckline was embroidered like mine but he had a yellow scarf wrapped around his neck. It was the same with Louis but he was wearing a dark turquoise green coloured one and a line went till the end of his shirt. His pants were white and like Liam, he also had a cream coloured scarf wrapped around his neck. Niall was different though. His shirt was completely sky blue with orange coloured designs made on it and he was wearing the same orange coloured pants.

"You all look great." I said and Simon nodded with a thinking face. "It is very different." He said and Louis grinned.

"I know. That's why I thought of buying them for today. Try something new."

"Well, I like mine." Niall said as he grinned.

"Yes, Tahira did say yours would be a bit too fancy." Liam said and Niall's grinned subsided a bit. "What? And you still bought it?" 

Louis chuckled. "Don't worry. We've got it cleared."

"Where are the girls?" I asked. "Still getting ready." Niall said and resumed eating when a voice called out.

"Not anymore."

Liam and Louis turned around before I did and their face was almost comical. Both their jaws dropped before they quickly recovered themselves and grinned while I turned around only to be as shocked as the boys.

"You look beautiful." Louis said and Eleanor blushed. (See the pic above for the girls. It's a bit complicated for me to describe it.)

"You look gorgeous, Soph." Liam said and she blushed as well.

"These are the 'suits'?" I asked and Sophia nodded chuckling. "Yes."

"Is Tahira wearing something similar to this?" I asked again and Eleanor nodded grinning at me. "You'll see when we get there."

"Hey, Sara!" I said as she opened the door to her house. "Good morning, Harry! Eid Mubarak!"

Like the girls, Sara was wearing a pink, printed shirt with an embroidered neckline, matching pants and she had a long net scarf across her chest and over her shoulders, with a matching pink hijab.

"Uh, Eid Mubarak to you, too." I said a bit awkwardly and she chuckled. "C'mon in." She said and stepped aside, greeting the girls and the boys as they entered. I waited until Simon stood at the door.

"Sara, this is Simon, my boss. Simon, Tahira's mum, Sara." They greeted each other but like Tahira, Sara didn't look at Simon and I think that surprised him a bit. "Nice to meet you, Sara. Thanks for inviting me at the last minute." Sara smiled.

"It's no problem. Please, come in."

In the living room, Omar sat alone, wearing a printed white and yellow vertical lined long shirt with white pants. He greeted us as he stood up and I introduced him to Simon. On the coffee table, there was a bowl filled with milk and what looked like vermicelli's. Thankfully, this time I didn't have to ask what is was because Omar had seen me looking at it. "It's called seviyan or sweet vermecelli, if you'd like." I chuckled a bit.

It was then I noticed someone's absence. "Where is Tahira?" I asked and Sara smiled. "She's just gone to fix her hijab a bit. It kept falling down." I nodded and at the same time, footsteps were heard coming down the stairs.

We all turned around towards it and that's when Tahira came out, leaving me breathless. It wasn't because of how the dress made her look amazing. It was because how she made the dress look absolutely beautiful.

"Hello! Sorry, I'm late!" She said and the girls went up to her and hugged her tightly. "You look so beautiful!" She chuckled and hugged the girls back before complimenting them as well.

I looked to my left and saw that Simon was also a bit speechless at her appearance. I chuckled in my mind thinking that and Simon cleared his throat. "Tahira, right?" She nodded shyly and I smiled a bit. "Mr. Cowell." He smiled. "Call me Simon."

After that, things went on smoothly through the day. I could tell as each hour went by, Simon approved of Tahira more. This for some reason, made me feel very proud of her. The food as well as the sweet vermicelli was specially made for Eid each year according to Sara and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. Though the biggest surprise came when Omar handed all of us, except for Simon, thirty pounds each calling it an 'Eidi', saying kids get money from all adults on Eid. We even tried to return it but he wasn't having it. So we just (awkwardly) accepted the money from him.

It was a great day. Different, but great.


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